Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Underactive Thyroid Arm And Leg Pain

oil in Galicia - Galicia Oil Management - Oil management in Galicia

English version:

In many towns and cities of Galicia is conducting the collection of used household oil. This is the case in the cities of Ourense , Vigo and Lugo, among others, and some people as is the case Ordes (A Coruña) and other peoples of the Navy Luguesa.

These are the municipalities we have obtained information through interviews. In some, the collection is done in different ways and by different companies. Got them all conclusions that we will consider the situation in the city of A Coruña.

In Galicia there are several private companies collect and manage domestic oil and Therefore, several methods for doing so. We talked to those with a higher incidence: Green Division and WFP . Broadly speaking, we can say that in Galicia there are currently two methods of collection: drums in 50 or 100 liters ready somewhere inside buildings neighboring communities, social or even local supermarkets (this is the option offered by WFP ) or approved containers in outdoor spaces like streets or squares, depending on the contractor, will be of different appearance (it's option Green Division). Every so often, a company van in question will to collect the oil that subsequently lead to a treatment plant (settling, analysis and control of physical and chemical parameters, etc ...). After this, the company will sell the refinery or biofuel production plants and other substances.

In the city of Ourense spoke with Carlos Cárcamo, Head of Waste Cleanup Service, Department of Environment . He explained that the city provides some bottles to neighbors for the oil fill and then empty into the container to its neighboring communities have requested. However, the project is not giving the results expected and is thinking it might be better to opt for other containers (not too big) instead of drums and, most importantly, look for strategic points where they can be more successful. Cárcamo believes that these points have to be zones of passage to which a neighbor can go walking in your daily / weekly, thus avoiding having to travel in a vehicle purpose only to deposit used oil.

Vigo drums are also used: in supermarkets, cultural centers, condominiums, ...

Without embago in the city of Lugo use both systems: drums in neighboring communities and approved containers in supermarkets.

In Ordes and a navy communications Luguesa, using patented containers Green Division. This company offers two models: one that empties the oil and another in which the container is deposited, once filled with oil (such as a 1.5 liter bottle takes to fill two months). They are not very flashy containers and have a low height. Both municipalities use the first model.

Jesus Pedreira, Concelleiro of Environment, Rural and Health Ordes council, explained that began in 2008 and in 2009 there was an increase in the amount of oil collected, thus decided to slightly increase the number of containers. However, in 2010 the data obtained were not so positive, they are now thinking about making changes: it is not to increase the number of containers, but the key is to find strategic points. Therefore, orders for matches that of Orense as to the importance of carefully analyzing the areas where you would get a more successful participation.

Pedreira us further explained that the council had to pay the first year of implementation of the project but that from then on, every year free of charge renews the agreement with the company, which is responsible cleaning service maintenance and storage of containers.

can see the data for late 2008 and throughout 2009 on orders here.

As for the city of Lugo Navy, where 10 containers are installed, a technician of the Environment also provided us with data from 2009:

Oil collected (kilos): 4,660

Water to avoid contamination (liters): 5,126,000

Water contamination was avoided per person per day (liters): 1.50


  • There are different companies and therefore different methods of collecting oil. Each council must assess what would be the best proposal.

  • is important to study the areas in which to put a container.

  • Using drums may be an option not to have to put external containers take up space (parking spaces, for example). However, in some cities, like Orense, this did not work. Furthermore, as stated in other publications, domestic oil in certain amounts is a hazardous waste as required safety precautions.

  • know that, depending on the companies, there are different models of containers: what to choose? The best would be a container that is too big or too flashy, which can be placed anywhere (such as a busy area) and go almost unnoticed. Also need to be comfortable when depositing the oil and accessible to all users (including disabled or wheelchair). And, ideally, would be economic.

  • Important take account of the supermarkets.

Acknowledgments for companies and cited Ayuntamiento and the Angel Dorrie of Green Friends of the Earth .

version Galego:

In many towns and cities of Galicia is to pursue the collection of domestic oils used. Such is the case, among others, the cities of SC , Vigo and Lugo and the village of Orders (Sao Paulo) and some cities Luguesa Navy.

These are towns which have obtained information through interviews. In some, the collection is made differently and through different companies. All of them have obtained some conclusions that we regard the situation in São Paulo.

In Galicia there are several private companies dedicated to the collection and management of domestic oil and therefore, several methods for doing this. We spoke with two of the highest incidence: Division and Green PMA. The large tears, we can say that currently in Galicia there are two methods of data collection: in churns 50 or 100 liters willing at some point inside buildings of communities of neighbors, local social or even supermarkets (option offering PMA ); or c ontedores approved in the outdoor spaces like streets or squares, according to the company hired, will be of different appearance (this is the providing Green Division). In general, the drums seem to be elected to the villages, while the container into the cities (even if it does not comply in all cases). Every certain time, a truck company in question will collect the oil that eventually it will lead to a plan for your treatment (decanting, analysis and control of physical and chemical parameters, etc.). After that, the company will sell the refinery or biofuel production plants and other substances.

In the municipality of Ourense, spoke with Carlos Cárcamo, Head of Cleansing and Solid Waste Department of the Environment . Explicounos that the city offers residents a bottle for the oil and then fill the empty canister in the community of neighbors asked. But the project is not delivering the results expected, and are thinking about is perhaps best to go with containers in other formats (which are not too big) instead of the drums and, most importantly, seeking strategic points where they can have the most success. Cárcamo believes that these points have to be zones of passage to go to a neighbor walking into your daily routine / weekly, thus avoiding having to get around the way and only one vehicle to deposit used oil.

In Vigo, the drums are also used: in supermarkets, cultural centers, communities, neighbors, ...

However in the city of Lugo use both systems, drums in the communities neighborhood and supermarkets in approved containers.

in order and in a Navy town Luguesa, use the company's patented containers Green Division, which offers two models different: one that empties the oil, and another that is deposited in the container once filled with oil (on average, a 1.5 liter bottle of oil to stay long in about 2 months). Containers are not very flashy and have a low height. Both cities use the first model.

Jesus Pedreira, Deputy Mayor of Environment, Rural Health and the municipality of Orders, explicounos that began in 2008 and in 2009 there was an increase in amount of oil collected, with which they would increase slightly the number of containers. However the data obtained in 2010 were not so positive, you are now thinking about making changes: it is not to increase the number of containers but the key is to find strategic points. Therefore, if the command coincides with the SC on the importance of carefully analyzing the areas that would have resulted in a successful citizen participation.

Quarry explicounos also that the city had to pay the first year, project implementation, but from there each year to renew the agreement for free with this company, ; which is in charge d cleaning service, maintenance and conservation containers.

can see the data listed in late 2008 and throughout 2009 on the orders here

The Navy Luguesa City Hall, where there are installed 10 containers, a Technical Environment also provided 2009 data:

Oil collected (kg): 4,660

; Contaminate water which was avoided (gallons): 5,126,000

Water contamination was avoided per inhabitant and day (liters): 1 , 50


  • Several companies and therefore different methods of collecting oil. Each municipality must assess what would be the best proposal.

  • is important to study the areas where to place a container.
  • use drums may be an option to not have to put outer containers which take up space (parking spaces, for example). However in some cities such as SC that did not work. Moreover, as mentioned in other publications, the domestic oil, in certain quantities, is a hazardous waste, which requires certain safety measures.

  • We know that, depending on the companies, there are very different models of containers: what to choose? The best would be a container, not too big nor too flashy, which can be anywhere (eg in an area muy carried over) and go almost unnoticed. You also need to be comfortable playing the oil therein and accessible to all users (including people with reduced mobility or in wheel Silla). And ideally, it is economical.
  • important to consider the supermarkets.

Thanks to companies and municipalities as well as cited Ángel Dorrie Association ecologist Friends of the Earth.

Inglês version:

Many towns and cities of Galicia are carrying on the collection of used oil Household. This is the case of the cities Orense, Vigo and Lugo, among Others, as well as orders (La Coruña) and the village of Navy (Lugo).

These Are The Municipalities we have obtained information through interviews. In some, the collection is done in different ways and by different companies. We got from all them all conclusions that we will consider for the situation in the city of La Coruña. 

In Galicia there are several private companies collecting and manage domestic oil and therefore, several methods for doing so.  We talked to those with the highest incidence: División Verde and PMA .  Broadly speaking, we can say that in Galicia there are currently two methods of collection: in drums of 50 or 100 liters ready somewhere inside buildings, neighboring communities, social centers or even supermarkets (that is PMA 's option); or approved containers in outdoor areas such as streets or squares, and those containers, according to the contractor, will have a different appearance (that is Division Verde 's option). In general, the drums are often chosen for the villages, while containers are installed in cities (although this is not true in all cases). Frequently, a company will collect the oil that will be subsequently carried to a plant for treatment (settling, analysis and control of physical and chemical parameters, etc ...). After this, the company will sell the refinery or biofuel production plants and other substances. 

In the city of Orense we told to Carlos Cárcamo, Head of Waste Cleanup Service, Department of Environment . He explained that the city provides some bottles to neighbors for the oil filling and then empty them into the container at those neighboring communities which have requested it. However, the project is not delivering the expected results and it’s thought to opt for other containers (that are not too large)instead of drums and most importantly, look for strategic points where they can be more successful.  Cárcamo believes that these points have to be zones of transit to which a neighbor can go walking in the daily / weekly routine, thus avoiding having to travel in a vehicle purpose only to deposit used oil. 

In Vigo drums are also used: in supermarkets, cultural centers, neighboring communities ... 

However in the city of Lugo both systems are in use: drums in neighboring communities and approved containers in supermarkets. 

In Ordes and the community of Mariña (Lugo), they use patented containers used by one of the companies discussed ( División Verde ), which offers two models: one in which the oil is emptied and another in which people only deposit the bottle into the container, once full of oil (1.5 liter bottle takes to fill two months). They are not very flashy containers and have a low height. Both municipalities use the first model. 

Jesús Pedreira, Councilor of Environmental and Health Rural  in Ordenes council, explained that began to run the program in 2008 and in 2009 there was an increase in the amount of oil collected, thus decided to slightly increase the number of containers. However, in 2010 the data obtained were not so positive, and now they are thinking about making changes: it is not to increase the number of containers, but the key is to find strategic points. Therefore, Ordenes matches with Orense referring to the necessity of analyse and find the strategic points to locate the containers. 

Pedreira  explained that the council had to pay the first year of project implementation, but from there, renews each year free agreement with the company. 

You can see the data for late 2008 and throughout 2009 in order here . 

As for the city of Mariña (Lugo), 10 containers are installed, and technician of the Environment also provided us with data from 2009. 

           Oil collected (kilos): 4,660 

           Water contamination was avoided (liters): 5,126,000 

           Water pollution is avoided per person per day (liters): 1.50 


  • There are different companies and therefore different methods of collecting oil. Each council must assess what would be the best proposal. 
  • It is important to study the areas in which to put a container. 
  • Using drums may be an option not to have to put external containers taking up space (parking spaces, for example). However, in some cities, like Orense, this did not work. Furthermore, as stated in other publications, domestic oil in certain quantities is hazardous waste, as required safety precautions. 

  • We know that, depending on the companies, there are different models of containers: what to choose? The best would be a container that is not too big or too flashy, which can be placed anywhere (such as a busy area) and go almost unnoticed. Also need to be comfortable when depositing the oil and accessible to all users (including disabled people). And, ideally, would be economic. 

  • Important to Consider The action supermarkets.

Thanks to companies and Municipalities as well as Angel Dorrie above-the Environmental Association Amigos da Terra.


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