Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How To Get Hacked Roms For Gpsphone

Conclusion I: Strategic points of recogida - Conclusion I: Strategic points of collection - Conclusion I: Strategic Collecting points Management

Versión en Español:

To propose a plan for our waste collection, we thought of some strategies that can respond to this situation. In collaboration with the city of La Coruna, who has facilitated recent demographic data, we could analyze what areas of the city are the most populated in order to obtain greater cooperation of citizens, especially during the early stages of the possible solution.

demographic data, we extracted some information that might be interesting to see when do we need a proper management domestic fats in a city like this.

Galicia than average population density of Spain with a significant difference. English average is 80 inhabitants per km2, while Galicia is the average of 93.6 inhabitants per km2. With this in mind, it is noted that the most populated areas are Pontevedra, La Coruña and its surrounding municipalities. Referring to the municipality of La Coruña, we have a population density of 6471.3 inhabitants per km2.

When thinking about solutions, we must make population and strategic collection points. In previous publications has been written about the difficulties of placing a collection on public roads or transit sites frequently because they must meet certain legal requirements and safety measures. In any case, this section we have placed before the hypothesis was feasible the idea of \u200b\u200binstalling containers in different parts of the city, and key questions have been raised to carry it out. The first thing that comes to mind is what are the most traveled and in which areas of the city is densely populated. For locate the busiest points, we must take into account that can access the oil and can provide a suitable environment for the container. Being very large containers in some cases, we have thought of inserting (like a drawer) on facades of city buildings or public property, thus avoiding damage or major urban impacts, and allowing easier control of the container and residue. These places can be community centers, markets, schools, gymnasiums, parks nearby buildings surrounded by houses, kiosks with an add-on module, such as public toilets that have controlled either by the establishment, parking public and even to establish agreements with shopping malls and supermarkets. Locating the areas where homes are more focused, we can find points near the origin of the waste (home).

To begin, it is useful to place the reader in the city and the spatial distribution of the same. The city of La Coruña is divided into 10 census tracts with corresponding census tracts. We analyzed the density of population by district and by section, as shown on the maps that follow:

district analysis clearly shows that start at the District 6, continuing the district 4 and if the process is viable, we will continue the process to the district 3. Given this trend, the program should end extending to all districts of the city, with varying intensity, depending on population density and other possible constraints.

To put names, Districts 6 and 4 draw an inverted "L" that runs from the Avenida de Negreira to Mayor Alfonso Molina Avenue, flanked by Outeiro Round and Round Nelle.

The map of density per section, we see that the Ronda de Outeiro is a clear axis of maximum density and the Ronda de Nelle has a high density except the section from its intersection with Avenida Finisterre to the intersection of Alfonso Molina. This may be because the running round the sides of two major parks, the Walk of Bridges and the Parque de Santa Margarita, which corresponds to the lower density housing in this section and therefore a lower density of population, however, this area has much foot traffic, causing many citizens to move to these areas for recreation.

fraction districts of La Coruña
possible to establish collection points in the area described or vicinity, we made contact again with the council to hear public spaces available in the face of a pilot project to measure the impact of this initiative on citizenship. While it is true that in some sections is complicated find space to meet the right conditions, we were able to make several points where they could locate the first container and the same way, it's points where access to a larger or smaller vehicle would have difficulty carrying out collection. The points are detailed in the image plane.

Galego Version:

Coa to propose a plan for or Noso Recoll residue, we some strategies that can address the situation AThis. In partnership with the municipality of São Paulo, which provided us with recent demographic data, we could analyze what areas of the city are the most populated areas in order to abtermo the largest collaboration of citizens, especially in the early stages of a possible solution.

Of the demographic data, we extract some data that may be interesting in time to see why you need a proper management of domestic fats in a city that eats.

Galicia exceeds the average population density of Spain with a difference. The English average is 80 inhabitants / km 2, while the Portuguese average is 93.6 inhabitants / km 2. Taking this into account, it should be noted that the areas most populated Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo and its municipalities. Referíndonos the city of Sao Paulo, we meet with a population density of 6,471.3 inhabitants / km 2.

to think of a solution, we think that the population at strategic collection points. In previous publications, wrote about the difficulties of Delegation, located a collection point on public roads or places of transit policy, it must meet certain legal requirements and safety measures. Anyway, this item put forward the hypothesis that the idea was feasible to install containers in various parts of the city, and there were key issues to take him out. The first thing that occurs and what points more forward and in what areas of the city there is a higher population density. To find the points brought forward must be taken into account that can be accessed with the oil and who may have a suitable environment for the container. In the case of containers too large in some cases, it was thought in insertalos (like a drawer) facades of municipal buildings or public property, thus avoiding imperfections or major urban impacts. And allowing an easier control of the container and residue. These places may be civic centers, markets, schools, Polideportivo, buildings near the park surrounded by homes, kiosco added a module, such as those with access to bathrooms controlled by the public charge of the establishment, parking lots and even into agreements with shopping malls and supermarkets. Finding areas where it concentrates more homes we can find points near the origin of the residue (the home).

To begin, the reader is useful Ubicar the city and the spatial distribution of the same. The city of Sao Paulo, is divided into 10 districts to the respective sections census censuses. Examined the population density by district and section, as shown in the maps that are below:

analysis shows districts claramenteque empezaremospolo District 6, District 4 and continuing through the process is feasible, we will continue for District 3. Given this trend, the program should end up spreading to all districts of the city, with greater or lesser degree, depending on population density or other possible conditions.

to place names, districts 6:04 draw an inverted "L" that extends from the Avenue to Avenue Negreira President Alfonso Molina, flanked by Outeiro Round and Round Nell.

the map density per section, we can appreciate that the Round Outeiro and a major axis of clear that the density and Round Nell has a high density except to stretch from its junction and Avenida Finisterre until intersects with Alfonso Molina. This can happen when the Round runs by the side of two major parks, El Paseo de Los Puente Park and St. Margaret, which corresponds to the lower density of homes in these parts, and therefore a lower density of population, however, this area has a lot of traffic on site, which causes many citizens to these areas desplacen esparcemento.

To establecermo possible collection points in the area described or in their neighborhood, put back in touch with the council to hear public spaces dispoñiblesde for a pilot project in order to measure the impact of this initiative on citizenship. Although it is true that some sections are difficult to find spaces that meet the conditions that meet the appropriate conditions, we were able to score many points where they could localizárseos primeiros containers and in the same way, it points where access to a vehicle more or less large would have no trouble to harvest. The points are detailed in the image plane.

English version:

To propose a collection plan for our waste, we thought of some strategies that can respond to this situation.   In collaboration with the Cityhall of La Coruna, who has facilitated recent demographic data, we could analyze what areas of the city are the most populated in order to obtain greater cooperation of citizens, especially during the early stages of the possible solution.  

From demographic data, we extracted some information that might be interesting to see why do we need a proper management of domestic fats in a city like this.  

Galicia exceeds the average population density of Spain with a significant difference. The English average is 80 inhabitants per km2, while the Galician average is 93.6 hab/km2.   With this in mind, it is noted that the most populated areas are Pontevedra, La Coruña and its surrounding municipalities.   Referring to the municipality of La Coruña, we have a population density of 6471.3 inhabitants per km2.  

When thinking about solutions, we must think in population and strategic collection points.   In previous publications has been written about the difficulties of placing a collection on public roads or frequent transit sites because they must respond to certain legal requirements and safety measures.   In any case, in this section we faced the hypothesis that makes feasible the idea of installing containers in different parts of the city, and key questions have been raised to carry it out.   The first thing that comes to mind is what are the most traveled and which areas of the city are densely populated.   To find the most transited points, we must take into account that can access the oil and can provide a suitable environment for the container.   Being very large containers in some cases, we have thought of inserting (like a drawer) on city buildings walls or public property, thus avoiding damage or major urban impacts, and allowing easier control of the container and   residue.   These places can be community centers, markets, schools, public sport centers, parks nearby buildings surrounded by houses, added a module beside kiosks, such as public toilets that have controlled either by the establishment, public parks and even shopping centers and supermarkets agreements.   Locating areas where homes are more focused, we can find points near the origin of the waste (home).  

To begin, it is useful to place the reader in the city and the spatial distribution of it.   The city of La Coruña is divided into 10 census districts with corresponding census sections.   We analyzed the density of population by district and by section, as shown on the maps that follow:  

The analysis clearly shows that most populated districts begin by district 6, continuing the district 4 and if the process is viable, we will continue the process to the district 3.   Given this Trend Should the program end Extending to all Districts of the city, with varying Intensity, depending on Population Density and Other Possible constraints.

Districts To put name in 6:04 draw inverted "L" that runs from the Negreira Avenue to Mayor Alfonso Molina Avenue, flanked by Nell Hill Round and Round.

In the density map section, we see the Ronda de Outeiro That more clear axis of Maximum Density and Nell Round has the high density except in the section from its intersection with Avenida Finisterre to the intersection of Alfonso Molina   .   This may be because the round runs the sides of two major parks, the Paseo de Los Puentes and Parque de Santa Margarita, which corresponds to the lower density housing in this section and therefore a lower density of   population, however, this area has much foot traffic, causing many citizens to move to these areas for recreation.  

 To establish potential collection points in the area described or nearby, we made contact again with the council to know about public spaces available, facing a pilot project to measure the impact of this initiative on citizenship.   While it is true that in some sections is difficult to find spaces that meet the right conditions, we were able to find several points where they could locate the first containers and the same way, those are points where the access of collection vehicle would have no difficulty in carrying out the residue.   The points are detailed in the image plane.


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