Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Brownie Tryi-its, My Body

Overall Conclusion and Acknowledgments - Overall Conclusion and thanks - General conclussion

English version:

After these months of study and research on the collection of domestic fats and oils, we concluded that although short-term entails an investment to carry out this project, long-term action would be beneficial and even profitable, because the collected oil can be reused to make many products (biodiesel , soaps, paints, etc..) and reduce spending maintenance of the sewerage network. Besides the obvious benefits for the environment.

The solution we propose goes through the introduction of separate collection containers at strategic points in the city. These containers should meet several requirements: to respect the current legislation, be safe (vandal resistant and watertight to prevent leakage), accessible to all kinds of people, and oil deposition is carried out in bottles instead of wash, its size should not be too large due to low free space on the streets, and must allow easy emptying by the collection company. All this is reflected in the entry for containers (containers and managers ) . The last word has the council, which will weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each type of container proposed to choose the most appropriate for the city.

As discussed in the entry for the population density of the city ( Strategic Points collection), the provision of containers is subject to the density of citizens and the easy access for vehicles collection. Therefore, containers should be placed first in the more populated areas and busy, gradually expand to the rest of the city as there is a greater citizen cooperation.

This whole project should be accompanied by an advertising campaign and awareness proper citizen, so that collaboration is greater. One possible idea would be to use incentives that will reward the contribution of local residents.

And finally, to end this project is to give special thanks to everyone who helped and made it happen.

version Galego:

After these months of study and research on the collection of oils and fats household, we blind to the conclusion that Aunque short term assume a investment to do this project in the long run implies a beneficial and even profitable, since the oil collected podereutilizarse to produce large amounts of products ( biodiesel, soaps, paints, etc.). reduciríase and the upkeep of the network sewage. In addition to the undoubted benefit it represents for the environment.

The solution to the problem we raise is to implement espepecíficos recycling containers at strategic points in town. These containers must meet a series of requirements: to respect the legal rule in effect, be safe (resistant to vandalism and smoking to avoid possible leakage), accessible to all kinds of people, and that the deposition of oil is done in vials instead of Vertel, its size should not be excessively high due to little free space on the streets, and allow an easy Valeiro by the company gatherers. All this is reflected in the entry of the containers ( Containers and managers). last word will have the county, to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each type of container proposed in order to choose the most appropriate for the city.

As noted in the entry for the population of the city ( strategic collection points ), the provision of containers is subject to density and citizens easy access for collection vehicles. Therefore, containers should be located first in the most Pobla and carried over, gradually expanding to the rest of the city as it is observed greater collaboration citizens.

This whole project should be accompanied by a publicity campaign and awareness citizens adequately, so that cooperation is greater. One possible idea would be to use incentives that reward the contribution vicinal.

And finally, to end this project we want to give a special thanks to everyone who helped us and made it possible.

Inglês version:

After these months of study and research about the collection of domestic fats and oils, we concluded that although short-term investment involves carrying out the project in the long term would be a beneficial and even profitable because the collected oil can be reused to make many products ( biodiesel , soaps, paintings, etc.) and reduce the cost of maintaining the sewerage network.  Besides the obvious benefits for the environment. 

The solution we propose goes through the introduction of separate collection containers at strategic points in the city. These containers should meet several requirements: to respect the current legislation, be safe (vandal resistant and watertight to prevent leakage), accessible to all kinds of people, and oil deposition is carried out in bottles instead of emptying the bottle by a hole, its size should not be too large due to poor free space on the streets, and must allow easy emptying by the collection company. All this is reflected in the entry for the containers  ( Containers and managers ).  Counil has the last word, they must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each type of container proposed to choose the most appropriate for the city. 

As discussed in the entry for the population density of the city ( Strategic collecting points ), the provision of containers is subject to the density of citizens and the easy access for collection vehicles. Therefore, containers should be placed first in the more populated and transited areas, expanding gradually to the rest of the city as there is a greater citizen cooperation. 

This whole project should be accompanied by an advertising campaign of public awareness and appropriate, so that collaboration is greater.  One possible idea would be the use of incentives that will reward the contribution of local residents. 

And finally, to end this project is to give special thanks to everyone who helped and made it happen. 


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