Friday, March 4, 2011

Letter For Disconnection Of Internet Line

Kadlec presented project to create a corridor in the southern

Councilman Rafael Kadlec Thursday presented a draft ordinance which requests the Municipal Executive of the City of resistance to enter the paving schedule for 2011, Fortin Rivadavia streets of 0 Larreta to 1600 and from 0 to 1100.

Residents of the Southern resistance to raised Department of the block of the Civic Coalition ARI, by Rafael Kadlec, the initiative to have a corridor, which ends provide the district with Av Ricardo Güiraldes Hernandarias, and that there is no paved artery between Avenues Edison and Marconi and National Sovereignty and the Falkland Islands.

This project of the creation of a corridor referred to the paving of the street between Avenida Rivadavia Fortin Soldier Alberdi and Aguilera, and Larreta Street between Avenues Alberdi and Hernandarias, with the primary care needs of transport and movement of neighbors of the Southern Zone of Resistance.

The draft ordinance was presented Thursday to enter next week for the second session of the City Council of Resistance.


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