Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cheapest 20 Foot Sailboat

Kadlec repudiated by blocking the

En una nueva sesión del Concejo Municipal, el concejal de la Coalición Cívica-ARI realizó una declaración en repudio por el bloqueo al diario Clarin y presentó un pedido de suspensión temporal de una ordenanza sobre la determinación de precios en la pavimentación de la avenida Lavalle y calle Roberto Mora, ante una posible inequidad de los costos que tienen que abonar los vecinos. -------------------------------------------------

The representative of the Civic Coalition, ARI in the City Council issued about the blockade in the distribution of the daily Clarin last weekend considering that "this type of situation, do wrong to the president of the nation and the country, the damage that occurs affects all Argentines because it reminds of the tremendous violence that occurred in the 70's in our country and that, paradoxically, these days also were remembering. "

Councilman Kadlec presented the request for suspension temporary application of the Ordinance 10046, which is the unit pricing Avenue paving and street Lavalle Roberto Mora, until it can establish that the costs are in a fair distribution among the neighbors and would not exist an inequity in the collection of the work. The initiative was rotated to the Budget and Finance Committee to be discussed during the meeting on Wednesday.

Moreover, the block CCARI presented the request for the rubble from the streets Vedia from 1500 to 1600, February 2, Necochea 200 to 300 and from 1550 to 1600, which are the surrounding streets Special school # 2 and would help to better student access to the establishment, in some cases suffering from mobility impairments.

Another point in which the council stressed Kadlec in this fourth session of the year is the duty of the Municipal Executive to make known the works that are made with the Federal Solidarity Fund and also the status of the Special Account this fund, so far obligation was not fulfilled, therefore the request was submitted report.


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