Adrian Peres said that there will be runoff from the Civic Coalition Kirchner and his visit to the Chaco, the MP and candidate for Vice-President by the Civic Coalition, said ARI that no second round, and noted that they could make an alliance with socialism, Pino Solanas and "a section of radicalism, but not with Macri, Duhalde and Rodriguez Saa.
the tour that comes in carrying out He spoke of the ballot that has the Civic Coalition arguing that "Argentina has to go back to being a federal country." Also referred to the Civic Coalition partnerships could make with other political forces ahead of general elections.
At a press conference, accompanied by the National Representative Alicia Terada, and Councilman Resistance, Rafael Kadlec, comrade formula of Elisa Carrio said they are very satisfied with the tour being made by different provinces.
"We are very pleased with the tour because we are a party that has certainty and predictability where the political scene is very busy. Nobody knows today who are specifically who will be the candidates for president and us after a debate in the party has decided that Elisa Carrio is a candidate for president of the Nation and accompany me as a candidate for vice president and in the month of January and present our proposal to government, "Perez said.
running mate Elisa Carrio explained that travel the country "with great gusto and with great conviction that there is a majority of citizens who want a change in Argentina."
"The change, from our point of view, a country where prime means honesty, transparency, institutions, policies, long-term, serious fight against corruption and poverty, which are the two structural problems Argentina continues to have, "Perez said.
alliances with other parties respect, partnerships with other political forces, the vice presidential candidate, said the work should be done with seriousness and consistency.
"You have to beat the government remains a serious and coherent alternative. I do not think that one way to beat the government is adding everything that is not government, "Perez said they are willing to build a broad alternative to Socialism, Project South, a part of radicalism. "They are the parties with which we can build from the affinity ballot and as long as there convergence behavior and government program," said the national legislature.
"With Macri can not, because we think very differently, not with Duhalde and Rodriguez Saa, not only because we think differently but because we act differently, and because they have been in government policies have played patronage, corruption, and institutional degradation, "Perez reiterated and added:" Again, we are going to be an alternative, first trying to make a great partnership with the company, and then with other political forces as far as as possible. "
Perez also mentioned the possibility of a runoff election in October and said "there is a percentage of the population wants change and the party that will facilitate the exchange in Argentina is who will be in the runoff and we want to be in the runoff for government since December 2011. "
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