Councilman Rafael Kadlec presented March 10 in a draft Ordinance which calls for temporary suspension of the implementation of Ordinance 10046, amending the amounts of charge to residents of Resistance on the cost of pavement because there are important inequities regarding paving other streets. ----------------------------------
Ordinance No. 10102, adopted by the Alliance in late 2010, established unit price for the paving of Avenida Lavalle and Avenida Rivadavia, whereby neighboring frontage have to pay 30% of their total amount, while residents of the street frontage Raul B. Diaz and Roberto Mora should pay for the paving, 70% of the cost of the work in question, plus a percentage for being in the zone of influence of the named avenues.
Against this pose, Councilmember Kadlec reported that "on Moreno Avenue paving and street Father Cerqueira (from Santiago del Estero to Av Moreno), frontage residents pay 30% and 70% Municipal Infrastructure Fund. For this reason, I ask the temporary suspension of Ordinance 10102, to analyze the situation thoroughly and avoid legal action against the City, by the residents concerned. "
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