Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Read Deathwatch Online
Councilman Rafael Barrio Kadlec visited 131 homes and a neighborhood group presented the concern that the Municipal dump remains in force at the height of Sovereignty Avenue and 25th Street. Do not get responses from the Municipal Executive. -------------------------
"The landfill began to form in 2004 since then we started to submit a memorandum informing the municipality on the site of infection that leads to insects, humor and smell 24 hours a day, where residents of 10 blocks around as if we have it next to "local residents reported.
Councilman-ARI Civic Coalition was invited by neighbors to a meeting which stated that most concern is the achievement of the elimination of municipal landfill and some of the 131 complaints about housing, specifically. The mayor of the Civic Coalition, ARI said that "under any view opposed the transfer of the landfill, which is awaiting the project by the municipal executive order to complete the work that was announced on several occasions through media. "
The neighbors are waiting for an interview with the mayor of Resistance, Aida Ayala order to address the issue because more than 6 years who have been demanding answers and never received nothing concrete, the dump continues and increases. "The people we live every day with the characteristic smell of a landfill, adding smoke and insects that affect the health of children especially, expressed outraged neighbors.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Movies Online Monica Roccaforte
The Civic Coalition party-ARI has the Provisional Register of Voters for all citizens who wish to consult and verify their data, both in the party headquarters of Salta 485, and in the office Councilmember Kadlec Department in the Municipality of Resistance. ----------------------------------------
As reported by the Secretary Elections Hugo Haedo This temporary database so that people will come to confirm their personal details and to register for any errors or omissions, the process is personal, the applicant must attend on weekdays from 7 to 12 hours or sent by mail or otherwise, a certified copy of your document civic, first leaf and the last change of address to the offices of the Secretariat Juan Domingo Peron 650 of resistance, so it can be corrected in the final standard.
The deadline for any amendments is 21 May, from there be drawn the final Register will be used in primary elections, open, simultaneous and binding of 14 August and the general national elections on 23 October. We hope all citizens willing and able to approach the Department Salta 485 or DC-RIA, in the Municipality of Resistance.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Pretty Spaghetti Bridge Designs
Neighbors are overwhelmed by the scene every day living rain, in addition to mud, and in some cases water on their doorsteps, these circumstances were that the level of insecurity grows, as it is a scenario for the actions of criminals.
claims began in 2010 but got no response, reiterated why the notes for the authorities of the Municipal Executive in April this year, in addition to requesting the intervention of the council of the Civic Coalition, ARI, Rafael Kadlec because they consider they must urgently address this request .-
The mayor of the block-ARI Civic Coalition took direct knowledge of the situation arising by the residents in place, and when transiting the area, clearly shows the need for leveling and rubble from the streets France from 500 to 700, Netherlands 500 to 700 and Jose Hernandez from 2100 to 2300, found on level Av lower than Italy, so the rains, these streets become small gaps that hinder and even prevent the movement of any motor vehicle.
They added that the nearest bus stop is located 5 blocks down Avenida Italia.
a result of this visit, Councilmember Kadlec, as a member of the Municipal Legislature, introduced a draft resolution to the City Council, so that will attend the request of the neighbors .-
The draft resolution prepared, is included as project entered at the next meeting on May 10, so that their peers can analyze and follow up the request
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Standard Bday Invitation
In the last City Council meeting, Councilman-ARI Civic Coalition, Rafael Kadlec introduced a draft resolution to enable a parking space for tourists in front of the Plaza, May 25 for July Street A. Rock, near the Municipal Tourist Office. ----------------------------------------------

The City Council joined the initiative as a project in and was sent for analysis to the Committee on Public Works and Services. This project emerged from a meeting that the mayor had with the architect Luis Gusberti, who raised the need to facilitate the tourists visiting the city, access to the Municipal Tourism Office is located in the Plaza 25 May on Julio A. Street Roca.
visitors in the city of resistance must have quick access to the Tourism Office to get the information you seek, so that the initiative states that it should "provide a space for parking vehicles individuals and groups of tourist services in the vicinity of the Municipal Tourism Department, for temporary detention of vehicles using the services provided by the Municipal Tourism Department. The space is 40 meters, located in front of the delegation and the maximum detention period is 30 minutes. "
The mayor of DC-ARI has good prospects with the draft, which, although modest, contribution to the idea that resistance is chosen as a tourist destination in the Northeast.
Monday, May 2, 2011
The Madwoman From Itteville
Councilman-ARI Civic Coalition, Rafael Kadlec expressed the need to "defend a right so fundamental to the democratic system, such as freedom of expression. The demonstration of municipal employees on Friday morning, before one of the most important print media in the province, which was described as "intimidating" by the workers of that environment, "is an action that should be repudiated, because they are against the freedom of workers to press Chaco "he said.
"The 3rd of May is celebrated as Labor Day Press, which also is an inalienable right to democracy and such actions directly undermine these rights of journalists. Of course, my solidarity with workers press, so that before the existence of differences, seek the path of consensus and not of violence, "said Councilmember Kadlec.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
How Long You Can Live With Bowel Perforation
Monday, April 18, 2011
Milena Velba,de Gallery
On Monday, representatives of the Civic Coalition, ARI in the province, the national representative Alicia Terada Resistance and Councilman, Rafael Kadlec participated in the conference of the Draft Law No. 2864/10, which proposes the creation of the Provincial Council for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labour (COPRETI) to know in depth the proposal.
in the legislative chamber were present some of the members of the Alliance, who promoted the initiative and the Secretary of Labor, Enrique Paredes, who addressed the theme "The role of the state in the problem of child labor" and Mary Masters Silva, on "Education and its relationship with the child labor problem." Were also members of different social organizations, governmental and non governmental organizations interested in the problems addressed.
What Does It Mean When A Man Wear A Oinky Ring
On Thursday April 28 at 18 pm, the National MP and candidate for President of the Nation Elisa Carrio has a new book. This is the future is now published by Editorial El Ateneo.
Reflections. Ideas. Proposals. Plans. Elisa Carrio and an outstanding group of leaders of the Civic Coalition Alfonso Prat-Gay, Fernando Iglesias, María Eugenia Estenssoro, Juan Carlos Morán, Patricia Bullrich and Adrián Pérez-present a series of works that make up ... man ideological and programmatic unit than those usually exhibit politicians at election time.

In the first part, Elisa Carrio, with its recognized reliability and in a dialogue with readers, gives flight to his vision of the country and the world, formulating hypotheses and bringing responses from the most current of political thought , surpassing the outmoded visions-populism, the old liberalism, Marxism, for inclusion in a proposal that.
The second part presents the "Proposals for Argentina prosperous, free, middle class," which cut across all issues of great concern: the economy, security, poverty, education, the debate on the role of the media, human rights, among others.
The future is now being presented in due course in a year in Argentina citizenship should take great responsibilities and succeed in their decisions. Reading it is imperative to discuss the central problems of contemporary Argentina and think about the challenges facing the Republic because, in fact, in 2011, "The future is now."
Seats Aluminum Boat Iinstall

Adrian Peres said that there will be runoff from the Civic Coalition Kirchner and his visit to the Chaco, the MP and candidate for Vice-President by the Civic Coalition, said ARI that no second round, and noted that they could make an alliance with socialism, Pino Solanas and "a section of radicalism, but not with Macri, Duhalde and Rodriguez Saa.
the tour that comes in carrying out He spoke of the ballot that has the Civic Coalition arguing that "Argentina has to go back to being a federal country." Also referred to the Civic Coalition partnerships could make with other political forces ahead of general elections.
At a press conference, accompanied by the National Representative Alicia Terada, and Councilman Resistance, Rafael Kadlec, comrade formula of Elisa Carrio said they are very satisfied with the tour being made by different provinces.
"We are very pleased with the tour because we are a party that has certainty and predictability where the political scene is very busy. Nobody knows today who are specifically who will be the candidates for president and us after a debate in the party has decided that Elisa Carrio is a candidate for president of the Nation and accompany me as a candidate for vice president and in the month of January and present our proposal to government, "Perez said.
running mate Elisa Carrio explained that travel the country "with great gusto and with great conviction that there is a majority of citizens who want a change in Argentina."
"The change, from our point of view, a country where prime means honesty, transparency, institutions, policies, long-term, serious fight against corruption and poverty, which are the two structural problems Argentina continues to have, "Perez said.
alliances with other parties respect, partnerships with other political forces, the vice presidential candidate, said the work should be done with seriousness and consistency.
"You have to beat the government remains a serious and coherent alternative. I do not think that one way to beat the government is adding everything that is not government, "Perez said they are willing to build a broad alternative to Socialism, Project South, a part of radicalism. "They are the parties with which we can build from the affinity ballot and as long as there convergence behavior and government program," said the national legislature.
"With Macri can not, because we think very differently, not with Duhalde and Rodriguez Saa, not only because we think differently but because we act differently, and because they have been in government policies have played patronage, corruption, and institutional degradation, "Perez reiterated and added:" Again, we are going to be an alternative, first trying to make a great partnership with the company, and then with other political forces as far as as possible. "
Perez also mentioned the possibility of a runoff election in October and said "there is a percentage of the population wants change and the party that will facilitate the exchange in Argentina is who will be in the runoff and we want to be in the runoff for government since December 2011. "
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Clear Lip Piercings For Work??
This Friday, April 15, come to the city of Resistencia national deputy, Adrian Perez to make a press conference in some ways the city and then a press conference in which citizens have contact with Chaco.
The times are approximate.
At 8:00 pm Radio Resistance
8:30 am 90.3 Mhz 99.1 Mhz Radio Liberty
9.30 am AM 740 Mhz Radio Chaco
10.30 hs press conference at party headquarters, Salta 485.
For those who can listen to or attend. The Civic Coalition Chaco-ARI, the wait to continue working due to the September elections and to be podruzca Change!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Hide Safaari Scrollto

Councilman Rafael Kadlec presented March 10 in a draft Ordinance which calls for temporary suspension of the implementation of Ordinance 10046, amending the amounts of charge to residents of Resistance on the cost of pavement because there are important inequities regarding paving other streets. ----------------------------------
Ordinance No. 10102, adopted by the Alliance in late 2010, established unit price for the paving of Avenida Lavalle and Avenida Rivadavia, whereby neighboring frontage have to pay 30% of their total amount, while residents of the street frontage Raul B. Diaz and Roberto Mora should pay for the paving, 70% of the cost of the work in question, plus a percentage for being in the zone of influence of the named avenues.
Against this pose, Councilmember Kadlec reported that "on Moreno Avenue paving and street Father Cerqueira (from Santiago del Estero to Av Moreno), frontage residents pay 30% and 70% Municipal Infrastructure Fund. For this reason, I ask the temporary suspension of Ordinance 10102, to analyze the situation thoroughly and avoid legal action against the City, by the residents concerned. "
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Ratatouille Psp Where Are The Mushrooms
Councillors Front Alliance sent the file all the draft submitted by the council of the Civic Coalition, ARI, Rafael Kadlec, posed by placing control in the parade in Resistance to fulfill the basic conditions security.
--------------------------------------------- The last
City Council meeting was discussed the draft Councillor Kadlec, posed by the implementation of a control campaign banners, posters or banners, to comply with basic safety conditions, respecting the requirements under current rules. This draft ordinance was sent to the file by a simple majority, ie, the 6 votes of the councilors radicals who did not accompany the implementation of this control. Kadlec
Councilman, said "the decision of the Selectmen expressed disinterest radical having, for enforcing the rules, especially considering that in approving this project would have to control the parade hanged by his own mayor and Resistance so we opted for the easy way out, send the project file, which mainly aimed to provide greater safety for the residents of Resistance. " "This is not to ban the parade, but to ensure compliance with current legislation, they are placed with due care to avoid falling on a blunt a pedestrian or transit vehicles on public roads, "he said.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Can You Loose Weight From Acute Hiv
The representative of the Civic Coalition, ARI, introduced on Tuesday a draft resolution in order to pave the streets of SOESGYPE 400 homes, which would benefit residents who say that the days of rain it is impossible to leave. -------------------------------------------------
From the Department of the CC-ARI was presented this week paving the order of 400 homes in the neighborhood because is considered that this work will benefit all inhabitants, who rainy days can not pass due to bad condition of roads.
Councilman Kadlec said works are taking place in the neighborhood, "soon to be completed paving Belgrano Avenue, which is doing the main storm drain and this would facilitate the adaptation of the neighborhood storm drains. Next week will open the square which, together with local residents, was fought for over a decade. "
Given these works are in progress, the mayor of DC-ARI agregó “el pedido de pavimentación, es el paso a seguir para mejorar la calidad de vida de los vecinos del barrio 400 viviendas SOESGYPE”.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Cheapest 20 Foot Sailboat
En una nueva sesión del Concejo Municipal, el concejal de la Coalición Cívica-ARI realizó una declaración en repudio por el bloqueo al diario Clarin y presentó un pedido de suspensión temporal de una ordenanza sobre la determinación de precios en la pavimentación de la avenida Lavalle y calle Roberto Mora, ante una posible inequidad de los costos que tienen que abonar los vecinos. -------------------------------------------------

The representative of the Civic Coalition, ARI in the City Council issued about the blockade in the distribution of the daily Clarin last weekend considering that "this type of situation, do wrong to the president of the nation and the country, the damage that occurs affects all Argentines because it reminds of the tremendous violence that occurred in the 70's in our country and that, paradoxically, these days also were remembering. "

Councilman Kadlec presented the request for suspension temporary application of the Ordinance 10046, which is the unit pricing Avenue paving and street Lavalle Roberto Mora, until it can establish that the costs are in a fair distribution among the neighbors and would not exist an inequity in the collection of the work. The initiative was rotated to the Budget and Finance Committee to be discussed during the meeting on Wednesday.

Moreover, the block CCARI presented the request for the rubble from the streets Vedia from 1500 to 1600, February 2, Necochea 200 to 300 and from 1550 to 1600, which are the surrounding streets Special school # 2 and would help to better student access to the establishment, in some cases suffering from mobility impairments.
Another point in which the council stressed Kadlec in this fourth session of the year is the duty of the Municipal Executive to make known the works that are made with the Federal Solidarity Fund and also the status of the Special Account this fund, so far obligation was not fulfilled, therefore the request was submitted report.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Julia Roberts Pretty Woman Dress Polka Dot
Councilman-ARI Civic Coalition is present through an affectionate greeting to all media workers who daily accompanied and accompany your management as a municipal official.
From DC block-ARI want to express a Thank you to everyone to cover the various activities organized by this Council, recognizing the important role of media workers to perform a transparent governance.
Have a Happy Day! A warm embrace!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Cargo Trailers For One Way Move
made in the special session to deal exclusively with the proposed increase for municipal employees, the council of the Civic Coalition-ARI approved the project for "deserved raise for workers in the district," noting its rejection of the funding because "the municipality is able to cope with their own resources, including crediting once and not in stages, "he said.
In the beginning of the meeting, Councilmember Kadlec reiterated his position, and ahead of some means, passing the 30% increase for municipal employees to reject the funding referred to in Annex 2 of the draft submitted by the Executive Municipal. Taking the words of the Minister of Economy, Henry Novo, Alderman said that if "the municipality increased its revenue by 40% at the start of 2011" and "wage increases will be paid with its own resources, why ask for funding" .
The mayor added that "according to projections of revenues, declared by the Minister of Economy, the City can handle an increase of over 30% even in a single payment, without need for it in stages" . Without agreeing with the funding, made it clear that "the increase of municipal employees is more than fair, given the high inflation rate and the need to maintain its purchasing power."
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Why Do Black Nfl Players

the absence of response, the City Council of the Civic Coalition ARI, Rafael Kadlec made a second time a request to report to the Department of Public Works of the Municipality of Resistance, on the authorization to build a service station on Edison Avenue and 16th Street. In turn, made the case consultation with the Department of Energy's Office.
------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------
Councilman Rafael Kadlec attentive to the constant concern of residents of the city, building a service station on Edison Avenue and 16th Street, next to a bakery with a wood oven, after a consultation with the Energy Department's Office, reiterates and expands the request of the Secretariat report Works Public Municipality on the local habilitation.

In late 2010, began building a service station on Edison Avenue and 16th Street space has one wall adjoining a wood oven bakery works there. This proximity was concern among the neighbors, about the serious risks posed by fuel tanks of the service station near the furnace.
Upon learning of the facts, Councilmember Kadlec made a first request for information in 2010 and view the files with the rating and thus provide a concrete response to the neighbors Hipólito Yrigoyen II. For unknown reasons the mayor is not allowed access to such material. Faced with the uncertainty and lack of action by the City, Rafael Kadlec went to the Energy Department's Office to raise the status and require guidance on security measures for this particular case.

last week was received by the Department of the CC-ARI's response to the consultation made the national body and addressing the terms thereof, which specifically fall competition and municipal responsibility in the matter, and compliance with safety requirements prior, Councilmember Kadlec reiterated its request for the report, making emphasis on risk assessment of the presence of a furnace boundary to the service station under construction and whether preventive measures adopted to prevent the risk that the locals fear.
Letter Of Proof Od Volunteer
In the second session of the City Council, Councilman Rafael Kadlec presented 14 projects in total. Resolution 12, an Ordinance, which refers to the creation of corridors, asking the asphalt and street Rivadavia Larreta Fortin, and another declaration of solidarity with the Japanese people suffered from natural disaster.
Councilman ARI Civic Coalition filed this week 14 new projects but reiterated that there are still several previous projects waiting to be analyzed in the various committees and then be treated by the City Council. Two of those named in Tuesday's session were the creation of a Municipal Shelter for abused women and the draft Public Safety Emergency in the city, which coincide with council members decided to carry out by the Alliance.
As for the declaration of solidarity with the people of Japan, was an initiative in which all council members agreed on what made the declaration will be signed by all 11 council members and sent to the Embassy of Japan in Argentina.
As for the projects entered into this meeting, the draft ordinance states of general public utility and paving the street between Avenida Rivadavia Fortin Soldier Aguilera and Alberdi Avenue and Larreta Street between Avenue and Avenida Alberdi Hernandarias.
The draft resolution, which are entrusted to the Municipal Executive relating to:
- Area and Street Improvement Arazá at the height of 800 to 900;
- Ditching and weeding the streets of Villa Don Enrique;
- Repair arcade games and waste containers on the plaza between the streets Falucho, Guido Spano, Necochea and Donovan;
- Infrastructure Works Cangallo Street between the streets of La Paz and Quito;
- Profiling, repair and maintenance of the streets of Barrio 400 homes;
- Improvement and maintenance of the streets of Villa Libertad;
- Profiling, repair and maintenance of the streets of Barrio Jardin
- Repair Argentine Army Plaza;
- Construction of speed bumps in the road Arazá at the height of 300 to 400 .-
- Report on the work of paving Araza street from Necochea Street to Avenida Belgrano
- Report on the performance of contracted services to the company Cadastral Surveys;
- Campaign de concientización y control sobre la colocación de pasacalles, carteles, pancarta y/o similares.
Publicación de PrimiciasChaco.com
Scottish Sayings Och I Da New
Clarin 03/15/1911
Water is currently one of the most important natural resources. Therefore, a key debate is the optimization of its use, its use and preservation, the subject of the Second United Nations Conference and the European Space Agency (ESA), which opened yesterday in Buenos Aires. The goal is to use satellite technology in the management of water resources.
The National Commission on Space Activities (CONAE) launched the meeting, which was first held in South America in the Foreign Ministry headquarters. The first meeting was in Saudi Arabia in 2008.
This time representatives from 24 countries which include Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador, Uruguay, Peru, Venezuela, Thailand, Germany, Saudi Arabia and Japan.
There is great interest in incorporating the use of satellite images to improve water management. An example of this is the SAC-D satellite Aquarius, made in Argentina, which was launched last year to obtain new information, among other things, the surface salinity of the seas on a global scale. According
told Clarín Menicocci Felix, secretary general of the CONAE, the application of space technology for the use of water resources is extremely important. "The imaging to monitor different areas is very useful.
Before this information could only be obtained through field work . If you wanted to measure the salinity of the river, had to go and work with buoy. Today, technology space makes it all much easier and accurate, "he said.
To illustrate the usefulness of this technological tool in our country, Menicocci chose to speak of glaciers: "You can generate pilot projects to study glaciers and know in depth what the actual water capacity can have in our country" .
Another reason why this project takes on significant importance is the ability to prevent possible disasters. In this regard, the Japanese engineer Takao Doi, a member of the United Nations program, said in a tragedy like that which hit the country could have saved many more lives with the application of this technology. "The use of satellite images is essential to generate early warning systems. If we were in orbit many satellites that constantly analyzes the behavior of water in areas at risk, we could prevent these events before, so evacuate the areas that will suffer most, "refelxionó.
Takao Doi said one of the main objectives of this conference is "the exchange of ideas on how to take advantage of the spatial tools in water resources, share experiences and to plan joint strategies," he concluded.
At the conference, which runs until Friday, involve several Argentine specialists. They will present projects that include the country's involvement in issues such as the Guarani Aquifer, the water system emergencies, resources for agriculture and watershed mapping of Argentina, among others.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
What Kind Of Wood To Use In A Boat
Debido a la proliferación de pasacalles, carteles y pancartas que se visualizan en la vía pública, el concejal Rafael Kadlec presentó proyecto de ordenanza para que se realice una campaña de control respecto de las condiciones de seguridad y cumplimiento de los requisitos establecidos por la normativa vigente ante la colocación de los mismos en la ciudad de Resistencia.
En el comienzo de un año electoral, ya se puede apreciar la proliferación desmedida de pasacalles y carteles en las calles de la ciudad, razón by which the council of the Civic Coalition ARI, presented the City Council, a draft Ordinance to carry out an inspection campaign in the security that should have these banners, posters or banners, and compliance with the requirements under current rules.
The request focuses on such elements are potentially dangerous to the integrity of the neighbors, public or private property by the possibility of release or drop any of its components. In addition to affecting the physical and aesthetic of the city, disrupting the visibility of pedestrians and vehicles, representing a real risk of accidents both to those who register, to those who cross the street.
campaign control over the placement of a passacaglia, posters, banners and / or the like, is to determine the conditions of their safety and compliance with the requirements of current regulations acting under it in the event I irregularities are complete or partial compliance.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Distributor Cuisinart
To close the week of Women, on Friday the IRA Civic Coalition, held a dinner to share with women who have an active participation in the party and society in general. Councilmember Kadlec and Rep. Rafael Alicia Terada, gave thanks and encouraged the present to continue to provide ideas and activities to build a new republic.

This Friday at the party headquarters held an exhibition of handicrafts made women from different parts of the city and in some cases were the economic livelihood of the family, such as, paintings on canvas, EVA flowers, working with recycled materials, paintings, jewelry and handbags. Each had his room to tell what the activity that stands out and to invite the courses that were formed to disseminate certain techniques.
addition to space for dialogue and knowledge sharing, Councilman Resistance, and Rep. Rafael Kadlec national Alicia Terada acknowledged the presence of women and men who entered the game to share the importance of the fight for Women for the recognition of their rights, while stressing that nationally its host, is a woman, Elisa Carrio .

Once completed the presentations and acknowledgments, dinner began with a warm hand to commemorate Women's Day as a reason to share and grow in social and public policy.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
What Is Life Span For A Car Starter
During the day yesterday with Councilmember Kadlec Rep. Alicia Terada, visited the residents of Villa Girl to hear the "repeated" claim for cleaning and dredging of the lagoon. The order was carried out by municipal authorities and the APA, the respective powers. During the visit there was an attempted assault on the deputy Terada, causing them to fall to the ground and hit in the head.
The Civic Coalition regarding ARI, Councilmember Kadlec and Rep. Rafael Alicia Terada, began a visit to Villa Chica, Santa Fe and Andreani streets, where they discussed with the neighbors on the edge of the lagoon cover weeds and trash. According to the stories of Anne Pawn, repeatedly requested the Provincial Water Administration to conduct the dredging of the lagoon and the City of resistance to address the cleaning the area as green space as part of the city. These claims are not heard and every time it rains, the residents of Villa Chica suffer as a result of the reservoir overflowing lake.
Osvaldo Maciel, one of the locals said that the lake is the main reservoir which receives the rainwater from the entire area west of the city, as well as wastewater and sewage due to a sewer covered. "A few years ago, with various municipal authorities held the position of keeping the lake, but we must keep it, so ask the dredging and cleaning of the same to the Municipality and the APA. On rainy days, all is flooded and you can not get out without touching the water, it's not just rain, but there is also waste water and sewage. "
Another problem aggravating the situation in Villa Chica, comes from the entrance to Barrio Toba, passage Red Cross Calle Juan XXIII, where the drains are completely covered in debris causing the water served to expand the John Street XXIII, to Santa Fe and Andreani, coming to lead to the lagoon in the neighborhood.
Attempted assault on the deputy Terada
While they were walking the streets of Villa Chica, to reach the entrance to Barrio Toba, the group of legislators, neighbors and journalists were observing the clogged drains, the stroke of sewage and talking about that matter, when a young man on a bicycle passes in between the group and try to snatch the bag to the deputy Terada, causing them to fall and a blow to the head.
The sweeping did not achieve its mission and fled, but the deputy in an instinctive reaction to press the bag with his hands, fell to the floor hitting his head hard. The group of people immediately reacted by calling the police and making the police report when the police car was present. This unexpected
debate raised another issue of concern to the neighbors, the lack Safety on the streets of his neighborhood.