team organized by students consult the Internet the information provided by the teacher, classified by periods, analyzed and used to solve the following problem: Why is it important to know the most important changes in the history of water during the twentieth century.
activity is the development of a critical review It contains the following parts: Introduction
-Type text
-Idea-hypothesis or thesis
Abstract title, rating, relevance of the topic
personal information
-Reflection and final evaluation of the text or returning to the central arguments and expressing an opinion on the content.
-Make a wrap.
the critical review is an expository-argumentative text in the presented a summary of the text as well as a personal opinion or criticism based.
Its purpose is to present a critical assessment of the content, its core ideas and interesting aspects.
promotes the training capacity in management of objectivity-subjectivity, accountability to cast value judgments and provides freedom for the reader to form their own opinion. Must contain elements of careful reflection, credible, original and creative style, objective argument respecting what the author says, expressing in an orderly and logical. You can elaborate on key issues or side effects.
is written in first or third person.
opinion must be understood as a trial, different ways of perceiving reality, a factor of experience and knowledge and the demonstration that opinion on what is already understood.
The final product will be a critical review.
The tools are listed in the Resources, the student shall be consulted in the halls of the Tower of Siladín to class time and beyond and will copy them in USB for review, classify and tease out its content the development of his critique. Drinking water

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