http://en.scientificcommons.org/6987530 Guide to consultation documents from the funds of the Historical Archives of the City of Mexico City (AHACM), sheltered in the Historical Archives of the City of Mexico ( 1924-1928)
http://lists.laneta.apc.org/pipermail/corsario-l/2006-May/003004.html Book Review Jorge Legorreta Water in Mexico City. Water and population of the city subsidence, water pollution, water advocates peoples. (90s XX century)
http://estudiosamericanos.revistas.csic.es/index.php/estudiosamericanos/article/view/87/92 Centralization, Decentralization, local power, public and private enterprise, environment ( Siglo XX)
http://revistas.colmex.mx/revistas/11/art_11_920_6374.pdf natural environment, territorial expansion, transformation of the ecosystem, water supply and treatment (Siglo XX)
http : / / www.archivohistoricodelagua.info / library / bibliolist.php query for the placement of bibliography sources listed below. (Siglo XX)
http://archivohistoricodelagua.info/mx/content/view/31/ El Alto Lerma and its transformations over time. (50s XX century).
http://richyhanasam.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!5EFE63EA52B5BBB7!366.entry Importance of Lerma River (90s XX century)
http://www.cnnexpansion.com/expansion / la-agonia-del-rio-lerma/print (90s XX century) Characteristics of the Lerma River, extent and geographical environment, desiccation, water disputes, toxicity and sanitation.
http://www.copo.df.gob.mx/calendario/calendario_2004/marzo/agua.html (90s XX century) Collection of water for the Federal District, distribution, pollution, treatment plants wastewater.
http://www.uaemex.mx/plin/psus/rev7/e02.html (50s-60s) Reasons to build the system and how to keep Lerma.
http://www.planeta.com/ecotravel/mexico/ecologia/97/0897agua2.html Features Lerma and Cutzamala Temascaltepec project, water distribution and Acuaferico, distribution Uneven water. (70s XX century)
http://www.adoc.org.mx/2006congreso/cbh02.pdf deep drainage, hydraulic characteristics, problems and actions to solve (90s XX century)
http : / / www.jornada.unam.mx/2005/07/12/019a1pol.php Privatization of water (90s XX century)
http://www.ecoportal.net/content/view/full/55583 Privatization water, global context (90s XX century)
http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/revistas/ghi/02119803/articulos/AGUC9595220383A.PDF History of Water in Mexico City, population growth, outputs to obtain and distribution of water (XVI-XX century)
http://www.google.com.mx/search?hl=es&q=ciudad+de+mexico+y+agua+siglo+xx & start = 40 & sa = N peoples struggles against water privatization, global situation (80s, 90s XX century)
http://www.viajes-a.net/ciudad/Iztapalapa-142167.htm History Ixtapalapa (XVI-XX)
territorial expansion, urbanization and industrialization of Mexico City (50s-90s XX century)
http://www.rel-uita.org/agricultura/ambiente/agua/mexico_agua_saqueo.htm The systematic destruction of community life and peasant villages and towns surrounding the Mexico City, with offal, expulsions, created political conflicts and economic aggression (50s-90s XX century)
http://www.ine.gob.mx/publicaciones/libros/508/delagua.pdf Social perception Mexican to nature, water worldviews through History (XVI-XX)
http://www.union.org.mx/guia/tesorosdelplaneta/usosocial.htm The state's role as promoter, regulator and facilitator in the social use of water, recommendations for environmental conservation. (80s XX century).
Gonzalez, Quintero, Silvia, "The political use of water, some examples and reflections", in Water, Mirror of peoples, Mexico, FES Acatlán-Plaza y Valdés, 294 pp. border 282.Tratado pp 265-1944, national water problems, the Fox plan, political use of water in Iztapalapa. (XX and XXI centuries)
Pearl, Cohen, Manuel, The paradigm Porfirian. Valley History drain Mexico, Mexico, 1999, IIS-PUEC, 315 pp, pp.249-286 (1900-1960). Inauguration of Grand Canal Drainage Porfiriato maximum work, sanitation, drainage in the governments of the Revolution, Deep Drainage
Torres Espinosa, Eduardo, "Water management in postrevolutionary Mexico" in Water mirror peoples, Mexico, FES-Plaza y Valdés Acatlán, 294 pp. pp 232-249. Water management, role of state (20s-90s XX century)
Tortolero Villaseñor, Alejandro, Water and its history, Mexico, Siglo XXI, 2006, 167 pags. Pp 101-167 (Siglo XX) Irrigation in rural areas in the 20s to the 50s, the water in the service of industrialization from the 50s, the privatization of water since the 90s, water projects and policies of the State.
Espinosa, Villegas, Cecilia, "Retrospective of the floods in Mexico City" in Anthropology, Mexico, 2001, INAH INAH Official Bulletin, April-June 2001, No. 62. Pp 58-68. (50s XX century). Floods, Causes and consequences.
Garmin, Ochoa, Rocio "La Hacienda La Cañada and the conflict over the use of the Magdalena River, Bulletin of the Historical Archives in water, Mexico, 1999, AHA, pp 33-45 - Year 5, no. 15, January-April. (1900-1940) Conflict waterworks.
Vélez, M. Daniel, "Notes on the Valley and Mexico City", in Bulletin of the Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics ", Mexico, 1931, SMGE, t. 43. Pp 285-309. (30s. century). Proposed solutions to the problem of drinking water.
Federal District Government, the deep drainage system of Mexico City, Mexico, 1996, GDF 26 pp. (50s-80s, twentieth century) Hydraulic characteristics of deep drainage.
L. Barra, Ignacio Ing, "The supply of drinking water for the city of Mexico" in Bulletin of the Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics ", Mexico, 1939, SMGE, t. 49. Pp 231-241. (30s. century). Waterworks, the water carried Xochimilco Mexico City, proposed solutions.
Legorreta, Jorge, "Xochimilco, in the last chance to rescue," in La Jornada, Mexico, 2005, La Jornada, 5 pages. (Twentieth Century) Historical significance of Xochimilco, hydraulic works, its historical importance.
Aboites, Aguilar, Luis, "De how the nation seized the country's waters, "in Tlaloc, Mexico, 1997, Contexts, Pp 10, 11. (1900-1910, twentieth century 20s) Article 27 of the Constitution and other laws, the role of the State Hydraulic Works. Legislation, role of government.
Pearl, Cohen, Manuel, "The centenary of Drainage Canal del Valle de Mexico" in Tlaloc, Mexico, 1997, Contexts, Pp 14, 15. (1900-1910, twentieth century 90s) Importance of the work of the Grand Canal to the government of Porfirio Díaz, features, advantages, political and economic purposes, capitalist modernity.
White, M. Gonzalo, "The water supply in Mexico City "in Bulletin of the Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics", Mexico, 1948, SMGE, t. LXV. Pp 201-221. (40s. century). Deforestation, environmental proposals, the importance of the Rio Lerma, rational use of water.
Bibriesca, Castrejon, José Luis, "The supplies in the current era (1920-1960), in Hydraulic Engineering, Mexico, 1959, Hydraulic Engineering, Oct.-Dec. Vol XIII, Num. 4. Pp 98-109. (20s to 60s century). Public policy, water projects, financing and administration. PHOTOS
http://archivohistoricodelagua.info/aha_foto/fotos_2007list.php Magdalena River.
http://archivohistoricodelagua.info/mx/content/view/32/ The Valley of Mexico Basin (20s of XX century)
http://archivohistoricodelagua.info/mx/component/option , com_zoom / Itemid, 40/catid, 1 / El Alto Lerma and its transformations (Siglo XX)
http://sepiensa.org.mx/contenidos/2008/l_diegorivera/agua1.html Diego Rivera Mural "Water, source of life on earth" painted in 1951.
http://yoatecutli.blogspot.com/2007/07/ciudad-lago.html lakes in Mexico City (XVI to XX).
http://www.ciudadmexico.com.mx/images/zones/xochimilco_pics.htm Xochimilco history and present.
http://www.tdr.cesca.es/TESIS_UPC/AVAILABLE/TDX-0426104-104024/19Mec20de22.pdf Sinking Mexico City (60s-80s XX century)
http:/ / www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=601599&page=4 History of navigation in Mexico City (XVI-XX)
Valley of Mexico

City Metropolitan Area Mexico

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