L to job instability, poor or no education, lack of economic resources in order to improve the quality of life are just some factors that may influence young and children to join a gang and commit crimes against life and instability of the people. Some of the areas considered critical in the first port are as follows: AH Boterín, Ramón Castilla, Corongo AH, AH Constanzo, Young Village Puerto Nuevo, Chacarita, Barracks, Barrio Castilla (Callao former), AH Sarita Colonia, among other
is true and undeniable that the level of crime in the Callao is very high, but if we add to this situation, the fact that the authorities are guided, in most cases, established patterns (sometimes inadequate to our reality) that do not meet its mission: to prevent crime in our streets. Crime in the Callao is a problem that resurfaces every day so he must take appropriate measures to end this situation.
expansion of gangs in the streets of Buenos Aires is increasingly worrying. According to figures from the Municipal Department of Public Safety are over 40 organized gangs in Callao, which use violence as a way to go in the streets of Buenos Aires. If we consider that micromercialización consumption and drug and illegal possession of fire cause you love that gang members are of a highly dangerous. Some members of these gangs are considered by the National Police in very dangerous because of its high recidivism in crimes such as armed robbery, crime, vandalism, murder, kidnapping and other crimes.
Callao Some gangs are as follows: The Assassins, Centennial, Corongo, Los Gallos, Los Lobos, Los Genocide, The Boxer's, Chucuito, Block 8, Strawberries, Los Alamos, Los Carozis, The Angamos, among other organized groups.
People are afraid of reprisals from the gangs and do not report thefts to step (wallets, watches, cell phones) and much less assault or felony. The population is afraid and that's not something that can fade with air. Many times even chalacos are assaulted on the same block of their homes. No one does anything. In several sectors have installed window guards to stop the theft and passing bad people live in the neighborhoods, although this has improved to some extent this situation, the problem comes when people leave their neighborhoods and have to deal with organized groups who use any means to steal. In many cases even beat, injure or even kill their innocent victims for a watch, a wallet or other valuables. So do we have to put railings around the Callao for the crime go away?
Many gang members who commit countless crimes not listed in police reports because victims do not report these incidents to the authorities and if it is added that most are minor, then the pair could be very dangerous; as these people continue to commit numerous crimes without anyone doing anything about it. Is that this is a huge social problem because it should apply more stringent measures yet consistent for each type realities. Only in this way we could reverse this situation so we can help both these people to leave the world of crime and society so they can live peacefully, without fear that around every corner you come across any of these gangs.
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