Friday, February 18, 2011

Clinique Foundation Swatches

were left without water

Atuel river and there are thousands of tourists affected

17/02/1911 - Clarin

missing is to avoid drinking water in winter. The court continues until 3 March.

For Badaloni
Roxana Mendoza. Correspondent

Tourists who came to San Rafael were surprised and disappointed to see the dry river . The promoted Atuel circuit, one of the main tourist sites south of Mendoza, was cut by the authority that regulates the flow of water (irrigation) to keep water plan for domestic consumption in winter . The measure was extended for 15 days, meaning an impact on tourism and agricultural activities that reach the edge of La Pampa. Complaints of adventure sports operators and producers were heard barely started cutting Atuel in the Mapuche language means "regret." The flow rate of 38 cubic meters per second was reduced to between 2 and 3 cubic meters per second, a minimum flow that covers the need for consumption. " have been only a few stones and puddles " said Gustavo, a Buenos Aires based in San Rafael and yesterday toured the affected area.

Over 13 kilometers on the undulating road Atuel Canyon, there are 15 adventure tourism operators, 23 complexes of cabins, three hotels and seven campsites. "The river is the central attraction of this place," admits the Secretary of Tourism of San Rafael, Andres Charadia. He proposes other activities such as use of lakes of the Valle Grande dam, Nihuil o where do Reyunos catamaran, rent jet skis, boats and water skiing.

A new spice was added to the water crisis affecting Mendoza in recent years. The small amount of snow in the mountains during winter, added the low temperatures in the melt, generating a channel that is 50 percent below the average of that river . In recent months, the river has been fed water supplies in reservoirs, but it has reached an extreme situation . "The lowest level is 1248, and today we are in 1248.90" said local deputy Atuel waters, Fabio Diberardino. The court began yesterday with the closure of the floodgates of Valle Grande, and continue until March 3 . "The decision was taken by the 22 inspectors of channels that form the basin of the river," said Di Bernardino.

Notice of court was announced a week ago when there were reservations that could not be committed cancel. "Some tourists down their reserves and others who saw the river dry, go," said Fabian Sanchez of the rafting company Sport Star The response of the water authority was: "We are fighting against nature." By not registering high temperatures in the mountains, most of the water remained frozen, without reaching the River. This only affects Atuel, because their reserves are very low, reported Irrigation.

Tributary of Salt Atuel cutting could hurt the economy of La Pampa. Undersecretary of Water Resources of the province, Juan Pablo Morisoli, denied. " going to affect only Mendoza. We cut the Salado River and Atuel since spring last year, "he said.

adventure tourism operators are the most affected: the rafting (rafting down) and kayaking have become in two of the main attractions of the 9,000 daily visitors that San Rafael in the summer.

rafting providers are evaluating other circuits, such as moving their camps 12 km between central III and the Valle Grande dam. The tourism sector, accompanied by the Municipality of San Rafael, yesterday presented a proposal to return irrigation water to the river last weekend February March holidays and Easter .


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