Sunday, February 27, 2011

Burgundy Wall What Curtains Should Be Used.

water with solar water, drinkable

In Argentina solar powered water purification

The Faculty of Engineering, UBA

team designed a low-cost isolated rural housing that eliminates germs, metals and arsenic

Potabilizan agua con energía solar

Students during a field test. Nora Bär



All agree that a water pipe over the health of a population that advances in medicine. Unfortunately, even today, in Argentina there are vast regions that lack a potable water distribution ...

precisely to meet the needs of people living in these areas, where in general not only lack the water supply, but also electricity, a team of teachers and students of the Faculty of Engineering, UBA (FIUBA) has developing and patenting a computer running water purifier solar energy. It is inexpensive and requires almost no maintenance.

"As ours is a department of education and development of new technologies, it seemed important to us to apply our knowledge to the resolution of social needs," says Dr. Fernando Audebert, CONICET researcher and director of the Department of Mechanical FIUBA, and the Centre for Research, Development and Innovation in Engineering and Industrial Design (Cididi).

explains, although half of Argentina's territory that extends north receives plenty of sunlight, not many developments designed to seize it.

"To produce solar energy there are two alternatives: the technology of photovoltaic cells, advanced in the world, and thermal technology as that used in the fruit-drying Audebert details. For the purification of water, we had another way. We study the situation of the poor of Santiago del Estero and did field trials in Colonia Dora and Añatuya. There, the dispersed population reaches 40%. The families live in isolated huts, without electricity, walking miles to fill buckets of 200 liters with water from rivers, streams or wells, and that is the water they consume. "

is an area of little rain and salty lands. Worse, many times the water is contaminated with salts, heavy metals, pathogenic microorganisms and arsenic.

The effects of this element on the body are known since the Renaissance (it is said that the Borgia and Medici used it to poison their enemies.) When ingested in low doses for a long time, from skin problems due to cardiovascular, hepatorenal neurological, respiratory and blood. It can also cause birth defects and cancer. At home, Dr. Mario Goyenechea, Rosario, introduced in 1913 the first two cases in which certified the consequences of hydroarsenicism Chronic endemic regional (HACR). Is a health concern in the Chaco, Córdoba, Formosa, La Pampa, Buenos Aires, Salta, San Luis, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero and Tucumán.

"As the waters often contain salts, the people choose the sweeter taste, which ironically are the ones that have a higher content of arsenic-account Audebert. So how do you help them? Because no technology is "great" (ie those used for whole nations) that can be used to solve the problem of isolated ranch. "

was how they imagined a device that does not require maintenance or electricity, and to respect the traditional customs and practices. "Ultimately, what this team is a double distillation process, which increases the efficiency of water production and removes all types of pollutants-resume. Circulates inside a liquid circuit, which is the heats and transfers heat, and the water goes out. After warming up, going to a higher batting which is suffering from something similar to the greenhouse effect, it condenses and enters a gutter (coated with titanium dioxide, an element that produces a catalytic reaction that kills microorganisms). These lead to the clean water tank. To allow irradiation water, instead of a common glass used a type of polymer that passes ultraviolet rays. "

calculated according to its creators, the cost of this equipment could range between 3000 and 5000 pesos. "If the municipalities are involved, this technology could rapidly spread," concludes the researcher.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Smashbox Foundation Vs. Makeup Forever

Objective: biofuels! - Obxetivo: Biofuel! - Objective: Biofuel!

Version in English:

Today, the market offers oil solidifying substances that, although they can facilitate user manipulation, it is possible to do more complicated recycling. Such substances seem designed mainly to eliminate the waste in the trash, and in this case his destination would be the incineration or composting (aerobic or anaerobic).

These products consist of a mixture of saturated fatty acids C16-C20 (in the container labeled as "natural and biodegradable), mainly stearic acid . Thus, this mixture raises the calorific oil, which is probably of interest to the incinerators. But this option is not environmentally friendly.

should also study its role in the composting process because, first, one might think that increases the production of biogas in the anaerobic process, but at the same time, the composition of the product may cause inhibition of this process.

For the purpose of oil recovery is the production of biofuels would facilitate the process "adding this product? Would not it be easier for the Users simply collect the liquid oil into a bottle? This process can be done easily and having the oil clean and fluid, so that you can think to add more substance to the oil unnecessary.

also have to consider whether the fact that the oil reaches hinders solid phase or manufacturing process expensive biofuel, which could cause the process unprofitable.

version Galician:

Today, the market can find oil gelling substances that, although they can facilitate the handling for the user, it may become more difficult to their recycling. Such substances seem designed primarily to eliminate this waste in the trash, and in this case would be held to its incineration or composting (aerobic or anaerobic).

These products consist of a mixture of fatty acids C16-C20 (in the container labeled as "natural and biodegradable) mainly stearic acid. Thus, this mixture raises the calorific value of oil , which is probably of interest to the incinerators. But this option is not respectfully with the environment.

would be necessary to study also its role in the composting process since, on the one hand, one might think that increases the production of biogas in the anaerobic process, but at the same time, the composition of the product may cause inhibition of this process.

If the aim of Oil Recovery is the production of biofuels would facilitate the process ¿the addition of this type of product? It would be easier for the user to collect only the liquid oil into a bottle? This process can be done easily and with clean oil as fluid, so one might think that adding more substances in the oil is unnecessary.

also have to consider whether the fact that oil comes in solid or dulls more expensive the process of biofuel production, which could cause the process was not profitable.

English version:

Nowadays, the market offers oil-solidifying substances that, although they can facilitate user manipulation, it is possible that they make more complicated recycling. Such substances seem designed mainly to eliminate the waste in the trash, and in this case his destination would be the incineration or composting (aerobic or anaerobic).

These products consist of a mixture of C16-C20 saturated fatty acids (in the container labeled you can read it as "natural and biodegradable”), mainly stearic acid. Thus, this mixture increases the calorific value of oil , which will surely be of interest to the incinerators, but this option is not environmentally friendly.

Should also consider their role in the composting process because, on the one hand, you might think that it increases the production of biogas in the anaerobic process but, at the same time, the composition of the product may cause inhibition of this process.

For the purpose of oil recovery in the production of biofuels, would facilitate the process adding this product? Would not it be easier for the user to collect just the liquid oil into a bottle? This process can be easy and clean with fluid oil so,  it can think  that to add more substance to the oil is not necessary.

In addition, should consider whether the fact that the oil comes in solid fase hinders or come more expensive the biofuel manufacturing process, which could cause the process unprofitable.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Clinique Foundation Swatches

were left without water

Atuel river and there are thousands of tourists affected

17/02/1911 - Clarin

missing is to avoid drinking water in winter. The court continues until 3 March.

For Badaloni
Roxana Mendoza. Correspondent

Tourists who came to San Rafael were surprised and disappointed to see the dry river . The promoted Atuel circuit, one of the main tourist sites south of Mendoza, was cut by the authority that regulates the flow of water (irrigation) to keep water plan for domestic consumption in winter . The measure was extended for 15 days, meaning an impact on tourism and agricultural activities that reach the edge of La Pampa. Complaints of adventure sports operators and producers were heard barely started cutting Atuel in the Mapuche language means "regret." The flow rate of 38 cubic meters per second was reduced to between 2 and 3 cubic meters per second, a minimum flow that covers the need for consumption. " have been only a few stones and puddles " said Gustavo, a Buenos Aires based in San Rafael and yesterday toured the affected area.

Over 13 kilometers on the undulating road Atuel Canyon, there are 15 adventure tourism operators, 23 complexes of cabins, three hotels and seven campsites. "The river is the central attraction of this place," admits the Secretary of Tourism of San Rafael, Andres Charadia. He proposes other activities such as use of lakes of the Valle Grande dam, Nihuil o where do Reyunos catamaran, rent jet skis, boats and water skiing.

A new spice was added to the water crisis affecting Mendoza in recent years. The small amount of snow in the mountains during winter, added the low temperatures in the melt, generating a channel that is 50 percent below the average of that river . In recent months, the river has been fed water supplies in reservoirs, but it has reached an extreme situation . "The lowest level is 1248, and today we are in 1248.90" said local deputy Atuel waters, Fabio Diberardino. The court began yesterday with the closure of the floodgates of Valle Grande, and continue until March 3 . "The decision was taken by the 22 inspectors of channels that form the basin of the river," said Di Bernardino.

Notice of court was announced a week ago when there were reservations that could not be committed cancel. "Some tourists down their reserves and others who saw the river dry, go," said Fabian Sanchez of the rafting company Sport Star The response of the water authority was: "We are fighting against nature." By not registering high temperatures in the mountains, most of the water remained frozen, without reaching the River. This only affects Atuel, because their reserves are very low, reported Irrigation.

Tributary of Salt Atuel cutting could hurt the economy of La Pampa. Undersecretary of Water Resources of the province, Juan Pablo Morisoli, denied. " going to affect only Mendoza. We cut the Salado River and Atuel since spring last year, "he said.

adventure tourism operators are the most affected: the rafting (rafting down) and kayaking have become in two of the main attractions of the 9,000 daily visitors that San Rafael in the summer.

rafting providers are evaluating other circuits, such as moving their camps 12 km between central III and the Valle Grande dam. The tourism sector, accompanied by the Municipality of San Rafael, yesterday presented a proposal to return irrigation water to the river last weekend February March holidays and Easter .

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Marriage Invitations Quotes

pointing out the recycling - details to reciclaxe - Focusing on recycling

pointing out the recycling :

Recycling always begins with awareness and intention of the city. An important point is the proximity of the collection points, ie provide the city recycling efforts. To check whether our city, A Coruña, the existence and accessibility of collection points is sufficient and effective oil, we hit the streets in The district Mallos - Vioño. In this area we find, on the morning of a Wednesday, the recently launched "mobile recycling center, situated at Captain Juan Varela, more specifically in the square in front of the Provincial Court. There we go residual oil and other cooked fried obtained in our house and stored in glass jars. Upon our arrival, we were surprised by the large number of possibilities for recycling and, indeed, included domestic oils. The operator who took care of us, in addition to reporting on the various facilities and new service schedules, did not mind to show any container which collects the oil and if we wanted, gave us the ability to recycle our glass jars used to transport oil to the truck.

Spot clean Mobile
container used cooking oil collection
We reported that the mobile recycling center is being well received by the citizens, but so far its use is limited to 3 or 4 places that rotate throughout the week and its existence is not widely publicized. At the time we spent in the recycling point came a considerable number of people, about 8 in less than 30 minutes, but none of them except us, oil was recycled. The crystals and light bulbs were the elements that deposited, noting that the city awarded one energy efficient light bulb to every citizen to recycle one. The operator confirmed to us that this initiative had encouraged the recycling of light bulbs, which made us think about possible measures pose similar to the case oils. After our stay in the mobile recycling point we reach conclusions that indicate that the service can be improved in several aspects: the collection bins would be small if it is promoted domestic oil recycling, the collection point has to be more publicized, the council's proposal is intended that this service be extended to other areas of the city, hopefully, takes place.

few days later got ready to see another point of recycling that citizens have at our disposal: some Eroski supermarkets. In this case, we present in a retail chain that has Vioño Park, the collection of oils at the entrance that gives access to the store from the parking lot of the same.

container for collecting used household oil
collection point EROSKI
There we find that, indeed, part of citizenship using this service find a small collection container that is hidden under a panel announcing the recycling point. We found that it is the user who deposited the oil in the same, in that moment was completely full and there was oil residue that had been poured out, had several containers of different materials (glass jars, bottles plastic water) deposited around the collection point inside plastic bags, we did not find any reference to the frequency of collection thereof. As reported in previous entries, the collection does not pose Eroski benefit and is done directly by PMA company. Although each small step that makes for easy recycling is important and necessary, abandon the collection point with the sensation that needs improvement.

pointed out to reciclaxe:

Recycling always begins with consciousness and intention on the part of citizens. An important point is the proximity of collection points, ie the task easier for citizens to recycle. To verify in our city, Sao Paulo, the existence and accessibility of collection points for oil is sufficient and effective, we went out to the street in the neighborhood of Mallos-Vion. In this area, we found the morning of Wednesday the new "point clear cell", located on the street Captain Juan Varela, specifically in the Square that is before the Regional Aundiencia. There came forward with residual oil in fried and baked in our house and obtained foolscap in glass jars. When we arrived, sorprendeunos a lot of possibilities and recuclaxe efectivamante, including domestic oil. An official who attended, besides informing about the various facilities and schedules of the new service, had no inconvenience in amosarnos container which collects the oil and, if desired, ofrecíanos the possibility of recycling of our Tarr glass used to transport oil to the truck.

Spot clean Mobile

container for domestic oil used
informed us that the point had a clear cell welcomed by citizens, even that their service is limited to three or four places that ROTAN over a week, and there is not much published. At that time we were at the point of recycling, acercáronse a considerable number of people, about eight in less than thirty minutes, but none, unless we took oil to recycle. The glass and lamps were deposited more modeled elements, noting that the City rewarded with an energy saving lamp for every citizen who reciclase one. The official confirmed that the initiative promoted the recycling of lamps, which made us think of similar measures in the case of oils. After our passage through the cell clean point, we come to conclusions that indicate that the service can improve in different aspects: the waste containers would be of small size in the case of recycling promocionase domestic oil, clean the spot had to be more publicized, the proposal of the City Council wants to expand this service to other areas of city \u200b\u200bwe want, take yourself out.

dispuxémonos few days later to know one another recycling point that citizens have at our disposal some of the Eroski supermarket. In this case, dams to the point of sale that the network has in the Park Vion, the collection of oils is at the entrance to the supermarket access to the car park of the same.

container for collecting used oil

Point collection Eroski

There we found that, indeed, part of the citizenship using this service. We found a small collection canister that hidden under a panel announcing the recycling point, we can check whether the user himself who dumps the oil into random; that time was full sharp and observable traces of oil that is poured by outside, there were several containers of different materials (glass jars to plastic water bottles) deposited around the collection point inside plastic bags. We could not find any reference to the frequency of collection within them. As reported in previous posts, the collection represents no benefit for Eroski and directly performs PMA company. Although each small step that is performed to facilitate recycling is important and necessary, leave this collection point with the sensation that needs improvement.

focusIn on the Recycling:

always Recycle Begins with Awareness and Intentions of the Citizen. In the important point is the Proximity of the collection points, the Citizens Helping to Recycle how. To know if the existence in Sao Paulo and Accessibility of collection points are enough for effective and recollect oil we hit the streets in the neighborhood of Los Mallos - Vioño. In this area we find, on the morning of Wednesday, the new "mobile recycling center", situated at Captain Juan Varela, more specifically in the square in front of the Audiencia Provincial. There we  went with residual oil and other cooked fried obtained in our house and stored in glass jars. Upon our arrival, we were surprised by the large number of possibilities for recycling, being included the domestic oils. The operator who took care of us reported the various  facilities and the timetable of this new service. Furthermore he had no problem to show us the container where they collect the oil, and he gave us the possibility to recycle our oil and  the glass jar as well. 

Mobile recycling center

collecting system for used domestic oil

He told us that the mobile recycling center is being well received by citizens, but for now it is limited to 3 or 4 places that rotate throughout the week and the presence has not so much publicity. In the time that we were there a considerable number of people came (about 8 in less than 30 minutes) but none of them brought oil. In fact crystal and light bulbs were the elements that the people brought, maybe cause they were changing a new energy saving lamp for a current light bulb. The operator confirmed to us that this initiative had encouraged the recycling of light bulbs, which made us think about the possibility to do something similar with the oils. After our stay in the mobile recycling point we reach conclusions that indicate that the service can be improved in several aspects: the collection bins would be small if the recycling of domestic oil is promoted, and that the recycling center should be more publicized. The council's proposal is to expand this service in other areas of the city, and we hope that they will do it.  

A few days later we went to check another point of recycling that citizens have at their  disposition: some of the Eroski markets. In this case, we went to the supermarket situated in el parque de Vioño, where they recollect the oil is at the entrance of the store, in front of the center parking. 

Oil recycling container EROSKI

Recycling center EROSKI

There we saw that some townsfolk used this service and one container situated under a panel announcing the recycling point. We observed that it is the user who  deposited the oil in the container, in that moment was completely full and some oil had been poured out, furthermore we saw several containers of different materials (glass jars, plastic  bottles ) deposited around the collection point inside plastic bags, we did not find any reference to the frequency of the collection. As reported in previous entries, the collection does not imply any benefit to Eroski and is conducted by the PMA company. Although each small step is made for facilitate the recycling is important and necessary, we left this collection point with the sensation that needs improvement.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Wedding Programs With Hearts

The risk of water shortages

Clarin 02/05/1911
midday yesterday. The mission Sachapera 2, Martin Arias, Leandro's father, who died last week with Soruco Rocío, Km 6 mission, load up her daughter Fabiola, which was discharged from hospital Juan Domingo Peron. Visibly angry: "I sent home and I have not even provide clean water for drinking. How is going to cure it? "Asks indignant Martin.
On one side, Gladys Perez, 20, also complains that his son Joseph, a year, "I was discharged yesterday (Friday) and continues today with vomiting."
But there is good: a Sachapera 2, gave him 400 meters of pipes to make the connection of running water to the mission . "Some pointers instead became angry because we speak with journalists and the press wine. But by Sunday morning,, "let's start digging ditches to get water," said Ruben Aguilera as secretary of the community.