Friday, January 14, 2011

Pressure Points For Period

Santa Fe
This time the city was left without water for an outdated piece

The service was discontinued in many neighborhoods and in others was reduced. The problem was solved last night. The damage occurred about 100 meters from affecting the entire city in July.

In late July last year, all provincial capital was left without water due to a break generated in the so-called Takes Hernandez, at the eastern end of Avenida Alem. Less than six months later, yesterday there was a further supply disruption affecting many neighborhoods in the city of Santa Fe Others, with better luck, got the precious liquid dropper (never better applied the term).

The first official data showed that in the morning "detected a strong gush of water that was surging through the floor, originating in the raw water aqueduct Making Hernández. From that time began working on opening up the sector, so you can get to see the source of the leak. " Around 13, the operator could make out the pipes and wanted to start clearing land and water space to start repair.

Last night, in dialogue with UNO Journal, President of the Board of Water Santafesinas SA (Assa), Alberto Daniele, explained the origin of the problem and the steps followed in terms of the solution.

"The break was not in the pipeline, but in a meeting that linked two sections of pipe heads (each with five or six meters). It was a piece that was in vogue in the early 80's, but have problems because they are rigid cast, not flexible, "began to detail Daniele.

-repair, is it final?
"It's not final. May be similar circumstances to the repair last year. Tiny leaks usually occur. It finished in first place with the placement of the abrochadera and began to put into operation gradually, aqueduct pumps (I had to reach a standard of four). Then there will be that make a similar package that was made last year.

-Taking into account that they have used them together in the 80's, in other parts of the networks, "foresee new problems?

"Now we have to look the part, because there would be a failure. This does not mean they have to fail or yes, but the possibility of recurrence is always present and is from the early implementation of these networks. Always involve risk, so we study them. Obviously there are other boards of this type date from that time, because that was what was at that time. But I repeat that this does not imply that fail in all cases.

Finally, Daniele recommended to users, as they receive the service, let the water run a few seconds to see if some degree of turbidity, but insisted that "no health risks involved."

The age of the network
time ago, after registering the absolute cutting the water supply on 22 July, in dialogue with UNO Journal, Undersecretary of Water Resources of the City of Santa Fe, Felipe Franco, said that "the city has grown and there is a sector evolutionarily oldest, composed of the old Central, South and part neighborhood Candioti neighborhood, where is located the water treatment plant and that was the beginning of the network. "

He added after a fundamental fact: "About 50 percent of the network has more than 50 years." And this is key to note that in the capital of the province's drinking water system was begun in 1903 and opened two years later.

As for the materials used in the early years, the engineer Franco said, "were consistent and were approved by the National Waterworks, then evolved and there have been ups and downs in terms of costs and prices were also change the types of materials. "

That's when I started playing the PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and FRP (fiber reinforced plastic, glass), which also went by the stage of approval. "Today, the network extension using PVC pipes or a high density polyvinyl, supporting working conditions far more demanding and that the deposits as deterioration with the steel-like we have in the area SUR is different, "said municipal official.

also stressed that "the thermal variability of the City of Santa Fe greatly influences contraction and expansion of materials, mainly in the meeting with the special pieces that are mostly of bronze, the oldest are steel, which have the biggest problem the availability to open and close. "



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