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Interview with Manuel Soto, a chemical engineer - Interview to Manuel Soto, Chemical Engineer - Interview with Manuel Soto chemical enxeñeiro

Versión en Español:

On November 25 we interviewed the doctor and professor at the faculty of Don Manuel Soto Castiñeira , Chemical Engineer, to learn more about the topic, but from a chemical point of view (especially the debugging process.)
Current status

domestic oil being poured down the drain, mix in type drains with animal fats (from various sources), hydrocarbons, such hydrophobic contaminants and other substances insoluble in water. This mixture reaches the treatment plant, where it is separated together as a residue hardly usable. This phase separation is a small step in debugging, but not performed, would cause problems in biological treatment processes.
oil (and other substances in the mixture) is immiscible and water can create a short film or layer and a large (depending on the amount of discharge), emulsion and foam. All this causes aesthetic pollution, addition to chemical pollution (since oil is a substance very visible, not mixed with water) and creates difficulties in the operation of biological or physico-chemical treatments.
Some of the oils are biodegradable, but their biodegradability is very slow, so it is necessary to make the separation.

How is the process of separation?

Once the water reaches the treatment plant , goes through a series of stages: first, the pre-treatment, including operations such as withholding and withdrawal of large solids that can be found in the water, the sand removal or elimination of dense solid particles that fall to the bottom and degreasing. The latter operation includes removal of different materials after leaving to stand, remain suspended. Therefore, the fat that is removed will contain a certain amount of water, suspended particles (which are not fat, but are mixed) and hydrophobic contaminants. So what separates no much use, since all these substances become immiscible phase in a very deteriorated greasy residue that can receive various treatments, but it will be very poorly suited as a fuel. Your destination can be the dumping, incineration or composting, but the composting of these fats would be very problematic for being contaminated.

Does removed 100% of the oil?

No. Following the degreasing step, the residual water is a significant percentage (30% or 40%) related to fat fine particles passing the later stages. But anyway, the damage they cause is much less than if you spill 100%. So the vegetable oil that ends up in rivers, oceans and aquifers in general is not the most worrisome environmental issue, it does not arrive in large quantities.

What are the environmental effects?

A treated water with 90% efficiency, meeting the discharge parameters, requires a dilution with the receiving environment of 1:10 (volume 10 on receptor discharge) to reduce the concentration on parameters such as biological oxygen demand (BOD). The fat in this regard put less importance, since its effect is more physical, which is coated. Substrate coated areas in rivers, for example by forming films, causing various problems. But problems are not as important as those caused by the BOD, suspended particulates, contaminants (heavy metals and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus), which are those that should be eliminated 100% of the water, but that is not done.

course this is in terms of natural oils, household, used in cooking, because if instead we were talking about oils and minerals that would be more problematic they are less biodegradable and very small amounts cause severe toxicity problems and other heavy metals.
What are the reasons for choosing a selective collection of oil?

The oil spill creates water pollution. But it also creates pollution even after recovering immiscible phase, since its destination is the landfill or burning, and this is not an environmentally satisfactory solution.

However, if we choose to do an oil collection, we will have a double benefit: a resource we take very energetic and solve the problem of waste. Oil can be used as biofuel (oil high calorific value).

Today, biofuel production is usually done on agricultural land, but this also involves several problems: a shift from food production (land not is used to garden), problems due to agriculture is highly mechanized and chemical (as for biofuel production only) and additional environmental problems.

using domestic oil collected separately from the source, also avoid these problems. Therefore, from the environmental point of view are clear advantages.

But we through market issues: a liter of diesel, after being purified, can be worth approximately 1.15 €. Thus deduce that would never be profitable to pick up a quart of oil at that price, because then purify and market should be at the same price, and this would not compensate.

So, it would be cheaper to opt for a separate collection of waste from its origin?

Economically, it would only be profitable with the cooperation of the public. Otherwise, the costs would be higher: for example, collect the oil at home and bring it to a recycling center, staff would have to do external work. It would therefore be very important to carry out awareness raising campaigns and environmental awareness of citizens.

Anyway, we should not think that the costs for separation in the filter are a reason of saving money, because everything is in debugging, fats represent only 2% (more or less): What is removed is small, and the effect on the total amount of fat in the waters will be reduced. What we achieve is to provide a little separation process and obtain a treated water with less fat. But what really matters is that making a collection we use an energy resource that we are currently neglecting.

addition, following in economic terms, opt for this change if it would be profitable if we add as grants for programs that offer alternative production of biofuels from energy crops would be a cost-saving important, much more than the issue of cost-saving treatment plant, because in the process of water purification always carry out a degreasing step (regardless of whether it is pouring oil sinks). Thus the issue of savings should focus more in this way.

From an economic standpoint and environmental, biodiesel from used oil collected selectively involves avoiding the emission of large quantities of CO 2 the atmosphere, it is a cleaner fuel than fossils. While it is true that one can not quantitatively compare the use of fossil fuel and a biofuel: any biofuel that could be generated with the vegetable oil waste generated as a home for a year, maybe only get to move 50 km, but this should be linked to other options, "green" such as reducing the consumption (use unless the car).
summary, the current system is not disposal, but apart: the fraction of oil that is recovered just be a landfill or incinerated, and another part remains in the water, going to the tributaries and just like in the environment. Opting for a separate collection at source avoid a spill and we take a very energetic appeal.

Thus, from the environmental standpoint, the change is not only profitable but also necessary.

English version:

On November 25 we interviewed the doctor and professor at the faculty Mr Manuel Soto Castiñeira , Chemical Engineer, in order to obtain more information about the topic, but from a chemical point of view (specially the debugging process.)

Current Situation

The domestic oil poured down the drain, mix in the pipes with animal fats (from various sources), hydrocarbons, such hydrophobic contaminants and other substances insoluble in water. This mixture reaches the treatment plant, where it is separated together as a hardly usable residue. This phase separation is a small step in debugging, but not performed, would cause problems in biological treatment processes.

The oil (and other substances in the mixture) is immiscible and water can create a slim film or larger one (depending on the amount of discharge), emulsion and foam. All this causes anesthetic pollution, in addition to chemical pollution (since oil is a substance very visible, not mixed with water) and creates difficulties in the operation of biological systems or physical-chemical posterior treatment.

Some of the oils are biodegradable, but their biodegradability is very slow, so it is necessary to perform the separation.

How is the process of separation?

Once the water reaches the filter , passes through a series of stages: first, the pre-treatment, including operations such as withholding and withdrawal of large solids that can be found in the water, the sand removal or disposal of dense solid particles that fall to the bottom and degreasing. The latter operation includes removal of different materials which after leaving to stand, remain suspended. Therefore, the fat that is removed will contain a certain amount of water, suspended particles (which are not fat, but are mixed) and hydrophobic contaminants. So what is separated does not have much use, since all these substances become immiscible phase in a very deteriorated greasy residue that can receive various treatments, but it will be very poorly suited as a fuel. It’s destination can be the dumping, incineration or composting, but the composting of these fats would be very problematic for being contaminated.

Is 100% of the oil removed?

No. Following the degreasing step, the wastewater has a significant percentage (30% or 40%) related to fat fine particles passing the later stages. But anyway, the damage they cause is much less than if you spill 100%. So the vegetable oil that ends up in rivers, oceans and aquifers in general is not the most worrisome environmental issue, it does not arrive in large quantities.

What are the environmental effects?

A treated water with 90% efficiency, meeting the discharge parameters, requires a dilution with the receiving environment of 1:10 (1 volume of discharge on 10 of receptor) to reduce the concentration parameters like biological oxygen demand (BOD). The fat in this regard put less importance, since its effect is more physical, which is to coat. Those coat substrate areas in rivers, for example by forming films, causing various problems. But problems are not as important as those caused by the BOD, suspended particulates, contaminants (heavy metals and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus), which are those that should be eliminated 100% of the water, but are not.

Of course this is in terms of natural oils, household, used in cooking, because if instead we were talking about oils and minerals that would be more problematic, as they are less biodegradable and very small amounts cause severe problems of heavy metal toxicity and others.

What are the reasons for choosing a selective collection of oil?

The oil spill creates water pollution. But it also creates pollution even after recovering immiscible phase, since its destination is the landfill or burning, and this is not an environmentally satisfactory solution.

However, if we choose to do an oil collection, we will have a double benefit: we take a very energetic resource and solve the waste problem. Oil can be used as biofuel (oil of high calorific value).

Today, the production of biofuels is usually done on agricultural land, but this also involves several problems: a shift from food production (land not used for growing), problems due to that it is highly mechanized agriculture and chemical (as it is for biofuel production only) and additional environmental problems.

Using the collected domestic separated oil, also avoid these problems. Therefore, from the environmental point of view are clear advantages.

But we have in front market issues: a liter of diesel, after being purified, can be worth approximately 1.15 €. Thus deduce that would never be profitable to pick up a liter of oil at that price, because then purify and market should be at the same price, and this would not compensate.

So, would it be cheaper to choose a separate collection of waste from its origin?

Economically, it would only be profitable with the cooperation of the public. Otherwise, the costs would be higher: for example, collect the oil at home and bring it to a recycling center, external staff would have to do this. Therefore it would be very important to carry out awareness raising campaigns and environmental awareness of citizens.

Anyway, we should not think that the costs for separation in the filter plant are a reason of saving money, because everything is in debugging, fats represent only 2% (more or less): what removed is small, and the effect on the total amount of fat in the waters will be reduced. What we achieve is to provide a little separation process and obtain a treated water with less fat. But what really matters is that making a collection we use an energy resource that we are currently neglecting.

Furthermore, following in economic terms, to choose this change would be profitable if we add subsidies such as for programs that offer alternative biofuels from energy crops, it would be a significant saving method, much more than the issue of cost in saving the filter, because in the process of water purification always carry out a degreasing step (regardless of whether it is pouring oil sinks). Thus the issue of savings should focus more in this way.

From an economic and environmental standpoint, using biofuel from selective collected oil, means to avoid the emission of large quantities of CO 2 into the atmosphere, so that is a cleaner fuel than fossil ones. While it is true that we should not compare quantitatively the use of fossil fuel and a biofuel: any biofuel that could be generated with the vegetable oil waste generated in a home for a year, maybe is only enough to move 50 km, but this should be linked to other "green" options, such as reducing the consumption (use cars less.)

In summary, the current system is not for disposal, but separation: the fraction of oil recovered ends up being a dumping or incinerated, and the part which lasts is in the water, going to the affluents and just ends up in the environment. Opting for a separate collection at source we will avoid a spill and we take a very energetic resource.

Then, from the environmental standpoint, the change is not only profitable but also necessary.

version Galego:

On the last day November 25 conducted an interview with the doctor and professor at the faculty of sciences Manuel Soto Chestnuts, Chemical Engineer, in order to learn more about the subject matter, but from a chemical point of view (especially the debugging process ).

Current Situation

domestic oil that is seen by fregadeiro, mix in runoff with fats of animal type (from different sources), hydrocarbons, pollutants and other type hydrophobic substances insoluble in water. This mixture comes to treatment, which separates them as a waste hardly usable. This step of separation is a small step in debugging, but do not causaríanse problems in biological processes of treatment.
oil (and other substances in the mixture) is inmiscible in water and can create a short film or layer has a higher (depending on the number of strokes), emulsion and foam. All this causes a pollution aesthetic , besides its obvious pollution chemical (since oil is a substance that is very visible, does not mix with water) and creates difficulties in the operations of biological systems or physical-chemical subsequent treatment.
Party oils are biodegradable, but their biodegradability is very slow, so you need to divide.

How is the process of separation?

Once the water reaches the treatment , undergoes a series of stages: first, the pre-treatment, including operations such as retention and removal of solids large who may be in the water, deaerated or removal of dense solid particles, which fall to the bottom, and degreased. This operation includes the removal of various materials, which, after leaving to stand, stay afloat. Therefore, the fat that is removed will contain a certain amount of water , particulate matter (which are not fat, but they are mixed) and hydrophobic pollutants . So what separates completely useless, since all these substances leave the stage inmiscible a very deteriorated fatty residue which can receive different treatments, but it will be very inadequate as fuel. His fate may be shedding, incineration or composting, composting but these fats would be very problematic because they are contaminated.

Removes 100% of the oil?

not. After the step of degreased in wastewater is a significant percentage (30 or 40%, approximately) for the fat particles are finer than the later stages. But anyway, the damage they can cause is much less than that pours out of 100%. Once vegetable oil that ends up coming to the rivers, oceans and aquifers in general is not environmental issue more worrisome because it does not occur in large quantities.

What are the environmental effects?

a treated water with 90% efficiency, complying with the parameters of the spill, requires a dilution with the receiving environment of 1:10 (a volume of about 10 receptor shedding ) to reduce the concentration of parameters such as biological oxygen demand (BOD). The fats in this direction have less importance because its effect is more physical, which is covered : overlying areas of the substrate in rivers, for example, through movies forming, thus causing various problems. But problems are not as important as those caused by DBO, particulate matter, pollutants (heavy metals and nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus), which are those that should eliminate the 100% water, but not done.
course this is in terms of natural oils, household, used in the kitchen because if instead we were talking of mineral oil that this would be more problematic because they are less biodegradable and in very small amounts cause severe toxicity problems caused by heavy metals and others.

What are the reasons for choosing a selective collection of oil?

Spillage of oils creates water pollution. But it also creates pollution even after recovering the phase inmiscible because their destination is the landfill or combustion, and this is not an environmentally satisfactory solution.
However, if we choose by making a collection of oil will have a double benefit: we take an energy resource and solved the problem of spillage. The oil can be used as biofuel oil (high calorific value).
Nowadays, the production of biofuels on agricultural land used to do, but it also means several problems: a shift from food production (land that is not used for garden), problems due to the fact that it a very mechanized farming and chemical (it is only to produce biofuel) and additional ecological problems.
Using oil collected separately from domestic origin also would avoid these problems. Therefore, from an environmental standpoint the great advantages are clear.
But we have through market issues: a liter of gasoline after being debugged can be worth around € 1.15. With what we deduce that it will never be profitable to collect 1 liter of oil for this price, because then that would purify and market it at the same price, and it would not compensate.

So it would be more profitable to choose a collection the residue from the source?

Economically, it would be profitable only with the cooperation of citizenship. Otherwise, the costs would be higher, for example, collect the oil at home and take it to a clean point would have to do personal work outside. So would be very important to conduct an awareness campaign and environmental education for citizenship.
Anyway, we should not think that the costs due to separation treatment are in a ratio of economic economy, because of everything that comes with debugging, fats represent only 2% (more or less), which is slightly off, and the effect on the total amount of fat in the waters will be reduced. What will be able to ease some of the separation process and obtain a purified water with less fat. But what's really important is that by doing a selective collection enjoyed an energy resource that we are currently ignoring.
Furthermore, following in economic terms, opt for this change, it would be profitable if we add benefits and offering to alternative programs production of biofuels from energy crops: a method of saving would be important, much more than the question of cost-saving treatment, because the water purification process where there will be a step degreased (whether continues by pouring oil fregadeiros). So the question of savings should be more focused in this way.
From an economic point of view and environmental , use of a biofuel from oil collected means selectively prevent the emission of large quantities of CO2 to the atmosphere as it is a cleaner fuel than the fossil. While it's true that can not be compared quantitatively using a fossil fuel and biofuel, the biofuel that could generate with vegetable oil that is generated as waste in a home for one year, maybe just to reach 50 km circular but this should be linked to other options "green" as to reduce the consumption (use the car less).

In short, the current system is not elimination but of separation: the fraction of oil that ends up being a spill recovery or incineration, and the other part is on the water, go to the tributaries and ends even in the environment. Opting for a collection from source avoid a spill and we take an energy resource.

Thus, from an environmental standpoint, the change is not only profitable, if not it is also necessary .


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