By everyday misuse, spent ten times more water than recommended
By everyday misuse, spent ten times more water than recommended
Most wasted when washing the car or the sidewalk, or in the bathroom.
The seas are composed of trillions of trillions of water droplets. And drop by drop become narrow rivers and aquifers dry.
The worn leather bag drop, the thread of the bath tank, the spray of the hose, and other forms of wasteful habits are openly acknowledged by the inhabitants of the metropolitan area, according to a recent survey conducted by a private university.
Thus, spends 10 times more water than the World Health Organization (WHO) reasonable. The company AySA estimated at 500 liters per capita consumption for domestic purposes, the same volume as for industrial use.
The WHO, however, set to 50 the number of liters of a reasonable daily intake. Sometimes domestic consumption reached 613 liters per day. "In Europe between 170 to 200 liters. Ours are values \u200b\u200bthat sometimes triple those of other cultures more organized on environmental issues, compare López Mónica Sardi, graduated in chemistry specializing in environmental preservation. Sardi and Maricel Lopez
Cataneo are the teachers of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Palermo that faced with a survey of 1,126 students residents in the City and Greater Buenos Aires, to know the attitude of people regarding consumption and water conservation. Other teachers and students of the Statistics Department collaborated in the investigation. Most
bathe in the shower, but 49% leave the water running throughout the bathroom, instead of opening and closing the tap as needed. The same make when brushing their teeth, and so will 30 liters of water with each cepillada.Otro So are the dishes: the 59% off the tap until it ends with the last dish, thereby wasting other 100 liters each wash. A similar number of residents (50.75%) did not graduate for water use clean fruit and verdura.Nueve of ten people have washing machines.
54.34% selected the short program as dirt from clothes, the fabric or garment. But 41.68% regularly used the program longer, which means about 100 liters per cycle, compared to 60 for short programs.
sidewalk with a bucket of something similar happens: between those who do, nearly 43% remains open hose, where 1,140 liters per hour flow. With the car are a little more careful: among those with vehicle (6 of 10 respondents), the 31.26% wash it at home and not close the tap until the end. Results: 360 liters malgastados.La half of the respondents had plants or garden, of which every other watering in the day, when from AySA be asked to do so after 22, there is less demand for water. "This shows our strong willingness to break the rules," Lopez says Sardi. In addition, one in five people said they lost faucets, which adds 46 liters night.
Of those surveyed, 45% had a water meter, but there were no significant differences in responses. Nor are there as neighbors, not by age group.
Not even for education level, and that 45% of respondents had completed high school, and 43% had tertiary or complete college. "Prima custom in all groups, the teacher concludes.
Half the people say who cares water, and the other half say they do not care. And that makes a significant difference in consumption. "Given the lack of accountability on the part of the inhabitants of the metropolitan region," would require an awareness of up and down, sending a message, make-calls-education campaigns.
We are one of the world's richest regions in terms of surface and groundwater, but do not react in time, we are going to end the action. " Source / 2010/03/26/sociedad/s-02167336.htm
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