Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Which Source For Cydia Has Pokemon Emerald

Fire situation in Callao :::..

L a precarious situation faced in the Callao Volunteer Fire Department is actually very worrying, because the limited budget allocated by the Government to them is reflected in the old and even obsolete instruments, clothing, equipment and deteriorating disaster management units. As do not have enough resources, in many cases should get some logistical support private entity to implement their units. They can not receive any money because the state is responsible for managing the budget for each base. According to projections, Callao approximately 1200 firefighters are working constantly to protect us from any disaster or accident, that means there is about 1 firefighter for every 700 people. Alarming figure that reflects a very harsh reality. Although eager to have to help the population, their desire is not burning off, but by the promise of an improvement in its infrastructure and equipment. Promise that apparently took her wind.


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