Thursday, July 27, 2006

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Water and Sewerage ..::: My Peru :::.. ..:::

P areca incredible that in these times there are sectors of the population still lack basic services for their development. In the populous district of window this is a latent reality. For over 10 years that these people have to endure daily the consequences of not having water and sewage in their homes. Must fight the many diseases stomach, eye, skin infections - to name a few, "must tolerate rates contrast starkly with the reality. "We pay the most expensive water in Lima" some residents say, is that in my Peru, tanker trucks that run every day and they charge between S/.1.20 S/.2.50 fill their cylinders. Assuming that by housing only fill a tank (which is clearly insufficient), this would imply a cost of S /. 36 to S/.75 Dollars per month. It's amazing that a "slum" pay as much for water, while in other district that has water and sewer rates are lower for this service.

is unfortunate that almost 50% of people in my Peru does not have this basic and elementary. "For 13 years we are well, we protest but we will not ignore. It is possible that we have to pay to fill a tank S /. 2.00, I have relatives in Lima do not pay well and have water and sewer, "says a villager in the area. Lack


If we ask what is the root of this problem we will find many answers. One of them, but more important is the lack of "forward-looking." When they built the water and sewage networks in Lima and Callao, it was projected that in 20 years or more; window would be so crowded. However, most ironically is precisely the reason why there are no products for this service in these areas. Window is completely surrounded by hills, sandy, this populous district suffered an "explosion" so great that immigration today is one of the most populated areas of the Port of Callao. But this only solves why not implement water and sewage networks in many areas at the appropriate time window, does not resolve a question that many people have, why the authorities do not approve projects to invest NOW in the construction of these pipelines ? Why have spent more than 10 years without anyone doing anything about it?

One of the solutions by appropriate authorities were "momentarily" was the water supply by tankers, but leaving aside the high prices, is worrying to see that water is highly contaminated tanks, they often have worms, insects, grease, or even floating debris. "We have to boil the water twice because the water is very dirty and stop our children sick," said Edgar Cópez concerned, active resident of the area. While it is true that the water supply through tankers is a quick way to "alleviate" the problem of lack of water and sewage, its pollution is highly dangerous, policies that deal must take action on the matter for stop this situation.

En Mi Peru, however, there are many sectors if they have water and sewage networks, but these need upgrading, and at risk of collapse. "... This book also has to repowering existing networks, as having increased pressure can lead to burst some water and sewage networks," says Walter Vegazo Wall, Coordinator of the Roundtable for the Development of Mi Peru. It is because these products obsolete one of the orders is also changing the pipes, because although they have the water and sewer service, what would happen if a pipe bursts? Do not expect that the great tragedies happen to do something about it and these actions must be taken not only by SEDAPAL, but also by municipal and regional governments should coordinate closely to make this work.

Villa Emilia

"Last year it approved a project for laying water and sewage networks to benefit about 6 000 families, but now says Sedapal the Ministry of Economy and Finance has not been able to give the S/.40 million needed for the work. It is incongruous, "said Vegazo Wall. Is that these are bickering daily bread when addressing this issue. Villa Emilia with a population of over a thousand inhabitants, is one of the sectors that would benefit from this work, but will have to wait perhaps another year how long would this fight? "We marched, protested, but no one listens. Nobody does anything for us, "say the villagers

What the authorities do not seem to notice is that not only figures that talk, they are human beings must struggle every day without water. Water helps your development and that is so necessary for the body. If 20 years ago, the authorities could not see the future today should not make the same mistake. Must act to benefit the population at present, looking to the future and learning from past mistakes.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

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Callao Gang terrorizing villagers :::.. Family Violence

L to job instability, poor or no education, lack of economic resources in order to improve the quality of life are just some factors that may influence young and children to join a gang and commit crimes against life and instability of the people. Some of the areas considered critical in the first port are as follows: AH Boterín, Ramón Castilla, Corongo AH, AH Constanzo, Young Village Puerto Nuevo, Chacarita, Barracks, Barrio Castilla (Callao former), AH Sarita Colonia, among other

is true and undeniable that the level of crime in the Callao is very high, but if we add to this situation, the fact that the authorities are guided, in most cases, established patterns (sometimes inadequate to our reality) that do not meet its mission: to prevent crime in our streets. Crime in the Callao is a problem that resurfaces every day so he must take appropriate measures to end this situation.

expansion of gangs in the streets of Buenos Aires is increasingly worrying. According to figures from the Municipal Department of Public Safety are over 40 organized gangs in Callao, which use violence as a way to go in the streets of Buenos Aires. If we consider that micromercialización consumption and drug and illegal possession of fire cause you love that gang members are of a highly dangerous. Some members of these gangs are considered by the National Police in very dangerous because of its high recidivism in crimes such as armed robbery, crime, vandalism, murder, kidnapping and other crimes.

Callao Some gangs are as follows: The Assassins, Centennial, Corongo, Los Gallos, Los Lobos, Los Genocide, The Boxer's, Chucuito, Block 8, Strawberries, Los Alamos, Los Carozis, The Angamos, among other organized groups.

People are afraid of reprisals from the gangs and do not report thefts to step (wallets, watches, cell phones) and much less assault or felony. The population is afraid and that's not something that can fade with air. Many times even chalacos are assaulted on the same block of their homes. No one does anything. In several sectors have installed window guards to stop the theft and passing bad people live in the neighborhoods, although this has improved to some extent this situation, the problem comes when people leave their neighborhoods and have to deal with organized groups who use any means to steal. In many cases even beat, injure or even kill their innocent victims for a watch, a wallet or other valuables. So do we have to put railings around the Callao for the crime go away?

Many gang members who commit countless crimes not listed in police reports because victims do not report these incidents to the authorities and if it is added that most are minor, then the pair could be very dangerous; as these people continue to commit numerous crimes without anyone doing anything about it. Is that this is a huge social problem because it should apply more stringent measures yet consistent for each type realities. Only in this way we could reverse this situation so we can help both these people to leave the world of crime and society so they can live peacefully, without fear that around every corner you come across any of these gangs.

How Many Different Colors Are There In Cubefield

..::: :::.. Callao ..::: Concerned

M ore than 7 000 cases of domestic and sexual violence have been reported until last year in Callao. 7 000 women who have endured physical and psychological abuse by their partners, a family member or by an acquaintance. An estimated six out of ten women are victims family violence.

While violence has declined by about 150 cases since 2002, are necessary actions to stop this situation. It is incredible to see that over 80% of women chalaca know someone who has been victim of some form of physical aggression. How many more women have to endure such abuse? Apparently many women think that physical violence is justified in some cases, so much so that over 28% of women think their partners cheating is the reason that they physically assaulted. Unfortunately the reality is that 42% of women who have been battered and beaten, unless half seek help from a close and only 1 in 5 women resort to any institution looking for help because they fear that their situation is repeated again and again, no one can do something about it. That is the reality of thousands of women who have to endure constant psychological and physical abuse.

This is a problem that has been occurring for several decades. Formerly it was thought that these issues should be dealt with privately, but as an injury to the Human Rights, the State has the responsibility to create the tools to protect people against any act that causes physical or psychological harm, abuse, threats and violations sex. In this regard, in 1993, Law 26260 created the Protection against Family Violence. The authorities are responsible for enforcing this law are the National Police of Peru, the Public Ministry and the judiciary, through follow-up of reported cases, police investigations and medical examinations to verify the veracity of the allegations. But often these abuses continue, even though the authorities have already determined a penalty for the defendant. The fear that this situation will repeat plays a very important, if not the most important, the decision of victims to report the case to the appropriate authorities.

What causes family violence?

Many factors that trigger it, the lack of a good education by parents (which triggers in many cases not only violence, but the gangs, crime, among other social ills) , the family's financial problems, lack of values, coupled with the constant fear of victims, causes the violence is becoming more common in families chalaca. An estimated six out of ten women are victims of physical violence in their relationships.

The sexual discrimación is also a predominant factor for women are victims of some form of abuse. Many men assume a male role where the woman should only "serve" for their care and parenting. Nothing more false. Today are increasingly successful women have not only met their personal goals but also professionals. The psychological abuse which many women are subjected not only overshadows the quality of life of these, but creates an unstable family environment and wrong. Women and men have equal rights and deserve a good deal with one another.

But what to do to stop this situation? The State, in an attempt to solve this problem has created the Emergency Department Women (EMC), which although providing free advice, support and protection for abused women and children, there are still many people who do not trust the system or simply do not know about any law or institution to support them. This, undoubtedly, is one of the most pressing problems that require attention from the authorities. Information campaigns should be more frequent as the mistaken idea persists that this problem "is normal" and women "have to endure such abuse because they are inferior to men or because the man is the head of household" .

Measures to curb this serious problem is not only in the hands of our authorities, much of the responsibility lies with society itself, in the wrong way of thinking that women can only do housework and nothing else. Appropriate actions to inform the public about what to do and where to go in case of family violence are essential for real change there. Many women depend on these actions and our authorities have to make changes in its management, because unfortunately they have not been sufficient.

If you are a victim of Domestic Violence:
complaint with the police in their sector. The complaint may be verbal or in writing. It is important that at the time of going to the police station carrying his ID card.
can also lodge a complaint before the Provincial Prosecutor of Family in its sector.
is not necessary that the victim is examined to get a complaint.
do not need visible signs of abuse to report. Can be reported psychological abuse, even when there is physical abuse.
The complaint may be filed by the victim or his family.
In the case that the injured are children or adolescents, the complaint may be filed by anyone who knows the facts.

Help Hotline Child Violence: 100
Help Hotline Family Violence:

, 51.2% know that there is a law against domestic violence.
The 82.2% of respondents knew someone who had been mistreated in the past year.
28.3% indicated that the couple was deceived reason justifying physical abuse on his part. 77.3%
noted that institutions that receive complaints of family violence do not pay adequate attention.

Source: Statistics and Informatics Institute (INEI)

Women's Emergency Centers-CEM are public services, specialized care and advocacy for victims of family violence or sexual violence. Provide legal, social guidance, counseling and legal defense for free. Currently there are 42 national CMS and are located in 22 departments and the constitutional province of Callao.

From January 2002 to December 2005 116 763 have been met, people affected by family violence and / or sexual abuse at the 42 CEM. These people have been 939.624 specialist work on admission services, legal, and social psychology.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

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Fire situation in Callao :::..

L a precarious situation faced in the Callao Volunteer Fire Department is actually very worrying, because the limited budget allocated by the Government to them is reflected in the old and even obsolete instruments, clothing, equipment and deteriorating disaster management units. As do not have enough resources, in many cases should get some logistical support private entity to implement their units. They can not receive any money because the state is responsible for managing the budget for each base. According to projections, Callao approximately 1200 firefighters are working constantly to protect us from any disaster or accident, that means there is about 1 firefighter for every 700 people. Alarming figure that reflects a very harsh reality. Although eager to have to help the population, their desire is not burning off, but by the promise of an improvement in its infrastructure and equipment. Promise that apparently took her wind.