Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Free Dental Hygiene Clip Art



We will meet after 13hs. order to create the environment for dance

At 14hs. started a dance class outside contact improvisation for all levels.

After the class we will stay in the area of \u200b\u200bJam, open space to explore, improvise, play, experiment, contemplate, be present ....

At night, delicious communal meal! We intend to bring fruits and vegetables to share and cooking.

The class is for all, open and free, and does not need any prior experience.
The Contact Improvisation is a dance form in which we explore new possibilities of movement and communication through physical contact. It is based on trust, fluidity, balance and uses gravity and soil as constant companions.

* * *
you there!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rapadura Sugar Replacement

Dance Contact Improvisation at Echo Village Velatropa!

* * Sunday June 14 *
White Magnetic Wind
kin 222

We invite you to reach the 13 hours: we have a time to meet and go creating our environment for dance.

At 14 hs. class begins, until 15:30

After we were dancing in what we call a jam space (open space to improvise, explore, be present, look ...)

At night, delicious communal meal! We intend to bring fruits and vegetables to share and cooking.

The class is for all, open and free, and does not need any prior experience.
The Contact Improvisation is a dance form in which we explore new possibilities of movement and communication through physical contact. It is based on trust, fluidity, balance and uses gravity and soil as constant companions.

* * *
Velatropa The Eco Village is an experimental node for sustainable development, interdisciplinary and self-managed by students at the University of Buenos Aires, where it seeks to rearm a social network based on cooperation and global consciousness . Develops within University City.

Getting there Collective: 28 - 33 - 37 to 42 - 107 - 160 /
* * *
Te esperamos!
- - E n e l c a s o d e q u e l l u e v a , s e s u s p e n d e ! - -

Monday, June 1, 2009

Kidney Stoned During Pregnancy

Sunday June 7 blue eagle

J o r n a d a de A r m o n i z ac i ó n

y de

A R T E por la P A Z

Like all full moons, the Village invited to participate in the


a day of harmonization, sharing of wealth and art for peace

in Hall V university city (clikea on map)

brings vegetables, fruits, seeds to share
:: talks on the new studio space
:: exchange of reiki in

: Acrobatics on Fabric sample of Cirko
: dance jam contact
: violin recital in the garden in the sun

: orchard

: when the sun goes film screenings on demand

night if you want to participate, subject
* * *
all day
delicious and healthy vegan pastry cloth
art-design of the village

All Day Volunteer to work Amorosa
$ ion
/ / Velatropa grows with your contribution / / sumate to internships / / signature endorsement of the project / /