Monday, April 27, 2009

Blonde Hair With Lowlites


(Masanobu Fukuoka - Panna Manikis)

Re-Bolio seed!

Sunday May 3 (Sun spectral)

From 9 hs we planted over 50 varieties of seeds station

Take a chance with your pits and seeds! FRUIT, VEGETABLES OR NATIVE

And to continue to share all day, you can bring fruit, vegetables, whole grains, vegetables ... to cook together, for all ....

For more information: 1568358469 LUNAROJA.249 @ HOTMAIL.COM

(SE rained )

Monday, April 13, 2009

Aviaries For Sale In Boksburg

paint your town and paint the world! Since

: PAINTING FESTIVAL - BARTER - music and food:
self-existent (Sunday April 26, 2009)

from 10 am, come with:
:: exterior painting of murals collectively
:: something to barter practicing detachment: Bring what you want, take so pressing

: musical instruments to create and share

: fruits, vegetables, whole grain rice and cooking between everybody, for all LA

the week: you have many workshops to approach the village (times in the blog) and share knowledge (you can also come to your studio!), you can also bring your organic waste, trees in search of land, seeds, etc..

Peace !!!--