Saturday, March 28, 2009

Faith Hats With Diamonds

the Village in

Sharing our publications,
healthy meals and refreshments
12 to 00hs
in the heart of Buenos Aires
Bioregion of the Moon

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How Can I Make A Nerf Birthday Invitation


Monday, April 13

Coordinates: Brisa
... we re-uniting to share our experiences ...
Vale bring something to share!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Penis Shaft Is Hot And Red Could It Be Herpes

Permaculture Exchange and Unified Interespacios

Saturday March 28

Seed yellow magnetic

In Eco-Village Velatropa

* * Huerta
* Recycling *
* Construction in Adobe
* Talks *
* Meditation *
Community * Lunch *
* * Seed Exchange
* Miscellaneous * Artistic Delights

Sumate with fruits, vegetables and whatever you want to share ... cook together!

Start: 10 AM