Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Extracting Hydrogen Water


The work presented here the Seminar on the History of Mexico, "Tlamatinime" is the complementary product for the academic year 2007-2008. The theme is "Water in the Basin of Mexico," Pre-Hispanic period to the twenty-first century.

The procedure used was the Web page of the portal Quest Eduteka academic. Subsequently worked with the Front Page program for creating Web pages, which designed the Web Quest.

The spread of work on the net, he means the creation of five bloggers, not having access to a server.

The Web Quest is a technical and intellectual appropriate for two reasons:

a) It is in cyberspace, which involves specialized management of computing.

b) The Quest, is notable for the explanation that guides the teacher to get their students: knowledge and ability to analyze documents, information processing, evaluation of data and finally, the realization of work, are: solving a problem, a summary of their own reflections, the construction of graphic organizers, etc.

The work was carried out according to the History of Mexico Program l ll.
Periodization was to consistently address both the course and work by members of the seminar.

5 Bloggers were constructed, as follows: 1 .-

Prehispanic Mexico. Prepared by professors: José Refugio Guzman Rodriguez (CCH Oriente) and Graciela Maldonado Figueroa (CCH CCH Vallejo and East)

2 .- Cologne. Issued by the teacher: Miguel Pineda Carlos Esquivel (CCH Oriente)

3 .- nineteenth century. Produced by teachers: Hector Bernal González (CCH Azcapotzalco) and Ma de Lourdes Pirod Posada (CCH Naucalpan)

4 .- twentieth century. Issued by the teacher: Erendira López Cornejo (CCH Oriente)

5 .- XXI Century. Prepared by professors: Susana Huerta González (CCH Azcapotzalco) and Nancy Martinez Vargas (CCH South)

invite the school community of the College of Sciences and Humanities, interact and participate retroalimentadoramente!.

The Web Quest was technically created and uploaded to the network through e-mail address above, by teachers: BERNAL HECTOR HUERTA GONZÁLEZ AND SUSANA GONZALEZ.

Technical direction was provided by: RODRIGO ROSALES JAVIER ENRIQUEZ.


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In the twentieth century we can find 3 main opinions regarding water policy in the country:

1.-Between 1920 and 1950, the water is used for agricultural development with a target political: to strengthen the middle class in agriculture.

2.-From 1900 until today, is used to meet the needs of industrialization, especially in big cities such as Mexico, resulting in the need to seek water from other regions of the country and the Lerma River. However, a lot of people have still problems to get it.

3.-The change of economic model to neoliberalism led to changes in government policies regarding the financing, construction and operation of hydraulic works with what the state is losing control of them.

During the twentieth century we find that during the Carranza approving the article. 27 of the Constitution believed that what exists in the subsoil is the property of the nation where the government distributes el agua y los particulares pueden gozar de ella mediante concesiones, situación que continúa hasta 1983 cuando la medida empieza a verse con recelo hasta que en 1993 a través de la Ley de Aguas Nacionales se da lugar a una mayor participación privada, situación que continúa hasta nuestros días.

El agua usada por la pequeña y mediana industria, que representa el 75% en la ciudad de México, deja residuos sólidos y líquidos que se utilizan en Chiconautla, en la cuenca y en el Mezquital.

Debido a la falta de planeación a largo plazo, para finales del siglo XX (1994) se habían perdido cerca del 80% de los bosques, 99% de los lagos, y 71% de los suelos were in a miserable state. Moreover, despite the exploitation of groundwater, 14 million Mexicans today do not have water service and $ 30 million sewer service.

Within the ruptures and continuities that we find the nineteenth century and the twenty-first century we find the following:

The link can be made with the nineteenth century to the early decades of the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz. In the first decade of the twentieth century, the last of Porfirio Diaz, the regime continues the same policy, dependent capitalist development, foreign investment, major waterworks and own water.

From 1980 he begins the process of privatization of water, this policy continues today, there is continuity within the neoliberal framework.

inside the twentieth century with the adoption of article 27 of the Constitution is a break with the Porfiriato because the state is controlling the distribution and water use, this policy continued until 1980.

Another moment of rupture is that from 1920 until 1950 there priority in water use for irrigation, from this decade, its use will guide the industrial development in the period of import substitution and Stabilizing Development.


For nearly five centuries man has struggled against the water in the city of Mexico, investing substantial resources to dry lakes originally gave sustenance, this led to the city before becoming self-sufficient, from the fifties in importing water from other basins, plus it has overexploited groundwater with serious consequences for the natural environment.

Water, a once abundant resource, has become scarce and expensive, which threatens the survival of the city and its inhabitants.

The environmental crisis and that traversed through the city of Mexico has its origin not only the rapid population growth resulting in expansion of urban land without precedent, but to insufficient knowledge of the functioning of natural ecosystems and water cycling in particular, putting at risk the satisfaction of the needs of present and future population .

The solution can not be limited to increasing exploitation of groundwater and river water import more and more distant but requires political and cultural solutions that promote more efficient and more rational management of the resource.

This includes respecting the hydrological cycle, abate waste leaks, take advantage of rainwater, preventing the growth the urban area to the periphery of the city and reduce inequality in access to drinking water. Channel

Mexico City

Mexico City

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Introduction Task Process

team organized by students consult the Internet the information provided by the teacher, classified by periods, analyzed and used to solve the following problem: Why is it important to know the most important changes in the history of water during the twentieth century.

activity is the development of a critical review It contains the following parts: Introduction


-Type text



-Idea-hypothesis or thesis

Abstract title, rating, relevance of the topic

personal information


-Reflection and final evaluation of the text or returning to the central arguments and expressing an opinion on the content.

-Make a wrap.

the critical review is an expository-argumentative text in the presented a summary of the text as well as a personal opinion or criticism based.

Its purpose is to present a critical assessment of the content, its core ideas and interesting aspects.

promotes the training capacity in management of objectivity-subjectivity, accountability to cast value judgments and provides freedom for the reader to form their own opinion. Must contain elements of careful reflection, credible, original and creative style, objective argument respecting what the author says, expressing in an orderly and logical. You can elaborate on key issues or side effects.

is written in first or third person.

opinion must be understood as a trial, different ways of perceiving reality, a factor of experience and knowledge and the demonstration that opinion on what is already understood.

The final product will be a critical review.

The tools are listed in the Resources, the student shall be consulted in the halls of the Tower of Siladín to class time and beyond and will copy them in USB for review, classify and tease out its content the development of his critique. Drinking water

Water distribution

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-Form teams of 6 members and divide the readings.
Information Resources in the Tower of Siladín during class and outside of it to know what materials will work.

-Sort and classify according to the four important moments in the History of Water in Mexico City in the twentieth century.

-Develop a draft of the Critical Review for review by the teacher following the guidelines set forth in paragraph Task. "I corrected

deliver it clean to be reviewed by the teacher. Returned

-work professor organize a group discussion focusing on two aspects: the central ideas of the subject and students' opinions about interventions to prevent wandering and lightly.

The importance of drinking water

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WEB PAGES. Guide to consultation documents from the funds of the Historical Archives of the City of Mexico City (AHACM), sheltered in the Historical Archives of the City of Mexico ( 1924-1928) Book Review Jorge Legorreta Water in Mexico City. Water and population of the city subsidence, water pollution, water advocates peoples. (90s XX century) Centralization, Decentralization, local power, public and private enterprise, environment ( Siglo XX) natural environment, territorial expansion, transformation of the ecosystem, water supply and treatment (Siglo XX)

http : / / / library / bibliolist.php query for the placement of bibliography sources listed below. (Siglo XX) El Alto Lerma and its transformations over time. (50s XX century). / la-agonia-del-rio-lerma/print (90s XX century) Characteristics of the Lerma River, extent and geographical environment, desiccation, water disputes, toxicity and sanitation. (90s XX century) Collection of water for the Federal District, distribution, pollution, treatment plants wastewater. (50s-60s) Reasons to build the system and how to keep Lerma. Features Lerma and Cutzamala Temascaltepec project, water distribution and Acuaferico, distribution Uneven water. (70s XX century) deep drainage, hydraulic characteristics, problems and actions to solve (90s XX century)

http : / / Privatization of water (90s XX century) Privatization water, global context (90s XX century) History of Water in Mexico City, population growth, outputs to obtain and distribution of water (XVI-XX century) & start = 40 & sa = N peoples struggles against water privatization, global situation (80s, 90s XX century)
territorial expansion, urbanization and industrialization of Mexico City (50s-90s XX century) The systematic destruction of community life and peasant villages and towns surrounding the Mexico City, with offal, expulsions, created political conflicts and economic aggression (50s-90s XX century) Social perception Mexican to nature, water worldviews through History (XVI-XX) The state's role as promoter, regulator and facilitator in the social use of water, recommendations for environmental conservation. (80s XX century).

Gonzalez, Quintero, Silvia, "The political use of water, some examples and reflections", in Water, Mirror of peoples, Mexico, FES Acatlán-Plaza y Valdés, 294 pp. border 282.Tratado pp 265-1944, national water problems, the Fox plan, political use of water in Iztapalapa. (XX and XXI centuries)

Pearl, Cohen, Manuel, The paradigm Porfirian. Valley History drain Mexico, Mexico, 1999, IIS-PUEC, 315 pp, pp.249-286 (1900-1960). Inauguration of Grand Canal Drainage Porfiriato maximum work, sanitation, drainage in the governments of the Revolution, Deep Drainage

Torres Espinosa, Eduardo, "Water management in postrevolutionary Mexico" in Water mirror peoples, Mexico, FES-Plaza y Valdés Acatlán, 294 pp. pp 232-249. Water management, role of state (20s-90s XX century)

Tortolero Villaseñor, Alejandro, Water and its history, Mexico, Siglo XXI, 2006, 167 pags. Pp 101-167 (Siglo XX) Irrigation in rural areas in the 20s to the 50s, the water in the service of industrialization from the 50s, the privatization of water since the 90s, water projects and policies of the State.


Espinosa, Villegas, Cecilia, "Retrospective of the floods in Mexico City" in Anthropology, Mexico, 2001, INAH INAH Official Bulletin, April-June 2001, No. 62. Pp 58-68. (50s XX century). Floods, Causes and consequences.

Garmin, Ochoa, Rocio "La Hacienda La Cañada and the conflict over the use of the Magdalena River, Bulletin of the Historical Archives in water, Mexico, 1999, AHA, pp 33-45 - Year 5, no. 15, January-April. (1900-1940) Conflict waterworks.

Vélez, M. Daniel, "Notes on the Valley and Mexico City", in Bulletin of the Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics ", Mexico, 1931, SMGE, t. 43. Pp 285-309. (30s. century). Proposed solutions to the problem of drinking water.

Federal District Government, the deep drainage system of Mexico City, Mexico, 1996, GDF 26 pp. (50s-80s, twentieth century) Hydraulic characteristics of deep drainage.

L. Barra, Ignacio Ing, "The supply of drinking water for the city of Mexico" in Bulletin of the Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics ", Mexico, 1939, SMGE, t. 49. Pp 231-241. (30s. century). Waterworks, the water carried Xochimilco Mexico City, proposed solutions.

Legorreta, Jorge, "Xochimilco, in the last chance to rescue," in La Jornada, Mexico, 2005, La Jornada, 5 pages. (Twentieth Century) Historical significance of Xochimilco, hydraulic works, its historical importance.

Aboites, Aguilar, Luis, "De how the nation seized the country's waters, "in Tlaloc, Mexico, 1997, Contexts, Pp 10, 11. (1900-1910, twentieth century 20s) Article 27 of the Constitution and other laws, the role of the State Hydraulic Works. Legislation, role of government.

Pearl, Cohen, Manuel, "The centenary of Drainage Canal del Valle de Mexico" in Tlaloc, Mexico, 1997, Contexts, Pp 14, 15. (1900-1910, twentieth century 90s) Importance of the work of the Grand Canal to the government of Porfirio Díaz, features, advantages, political and economic purposes, capitalist modernity.

White, M. Gonzalo, "The water supply in Mexico City "in Bulletin of the Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics", Mexico, 1948, SMGE, t. LXV. Pp 201-221. (40s. century). Deforestation, environmental proposals, the importance of the Rio Lerma, rational use of water.

Bibriesca, Castrejon, José Luis, "The supplies in the current era (1920-1960), in Hydraulic Engineering, Mexico, 1959, Hydraulic Engineering, Oct.-Dec. Vol XIII, Num. 4. Pp 98-109. (20s to 60s century). Public policy, water projects, financing and administration. PHOTOS Magdalena River. The Valley of Mexico Basin (20s of XX century) Diego Rivera Mural "Water, source of life on earth" painted in 1951.

http:/ / History of navigation in Mexico City (XVI-XX)
Valley of Mexico

City Metropolitan Area Mexico

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Resources Evaluation Conclusions

The evaluation will take into account the following aspects:

Search information contained in the Resources.

Reading and synthesis of it.

Understanding information.

capacity for reflection and analysis in developing the critical summary. Privatization

a vital resource

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not included because the exercise has not been implemented.

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Consider the level of the students to choose Resources.

To assure that both the task and the subtasks are clear to students and are at their level.

assess the activity from the course learning objectives and the level of the students.

Lakes and rivers in Mexico: natural resource